Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Education of instructors of a physical activity program for cancer patients and survivors: planning and evaluation of interactive adapted physical activity working groups
Rompen, Jérôme; Korycki, Marta; Ortmans, Sabine et al.
20162016 AIESEP International Conference


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Keywords :
Physical activity; Cancer; Instructors; Training; Activité physique; Moniteurs; Formation
Abstract :
[en] Introduction Raviva is a Belgian adapted physical activity (APA) program for cancer patients and survivors, developed by the Belgian Foundation against Cancer (http://www.cancer.be/aide-aux-patients/la-fondation-votre-service/raviva-bouger-pour-se-sentir-mieux). Activities supported by this foundation are supervised by instructors with inconstant trainings and experiences. Indeed, in Belgium, APA instructors do not necessarily follow specific training programs such those proposed by the ACSM (Schmitz et al., 2010). As it is the case in sport coaches’ education (Erickson et al., 2008), interacting with colleagues and sharing knowledge could be an interesting way to improve APA instructors’ competencies. The aim of this study was to plan and analyse interactive APA working groups, as part of a training day intended for all Raviva instructors. Methods As part of this training, we proposed three practical physical activity working groups, each one concerning a specific activity: fitness, relaxation and aqua-aerobics. They were designed to generate some good practices in intervention with Raviva groups and had to be interactive: all participants had the opportunity to present their own practices and to discuss and comment the practices of the others. Three methods were used to analyse the activities: interviews of the organizers (n=4), a questionnaire for all trainees (n=35) and participant observation. Results Many examples of practical situations and good practices have been identified.79.4% of the trainees considered that the proposed method was interesting and 88.3% mentioned that they have been actively involved. The organizers were less convinced as they highlighted a lack of ideas sharing as well as low active participation and dynamism. Observations confirmed the organizers’ opinions. Conclusions Participants appeared to be globally satisfied with the practical activities. However, further research is needed to measure the impact of such methods on their future practices.
Disciplines :
Education & instruction
Author, co-author :
Rompen, Jérôme ;  Université de Liège > Département des sciences de la motricité > Intervention et gestion en activités physiques et sportives
Korycki, Marta ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Master sc. motr., or. éd. phys., fin. did. (ex 2e master)
Ortmans, Sabine;  Fondation Contre le Cancer > Département Accompagnement social
Schoonbroodt, Annick;  Fondation Contre le Cancer > Département Coordination régionale
Language :
Title :
Education of instructors of a physical activity program for cancer patients and survivors: planning and evaluation of interactive adapted physical activity working groups
Alternative titles :
[fr] Formation des moniteurs d'un programme d'activité physique pour des patients et anciens patients atteints d'un cancer : élaboration et évaluation d'ateliers interactifs d'activité physique adaptée
Publication date :
June 2016
Event name :
2016 AIESEP International Conference
Event organizer :
Association Internationale des Écoles Supérieures d’Éducation Physique
Event place :
Laramie, United States
Event date :
Du 8 juin 2016 au 11 juin 2016
Audience :
Available on ORBi :
since 26 July 2016


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