[en] The MAGRITTE telescopes are part of the SHARPP instrument suite, part of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), a NASA spacecraft to be launched in a geostationnary orbit in 2007. The MAGRITTE instrument package will provide high resolution images of the solar corona at high temporal frequency simultaneously in 5 EUV and in Ly-alpha narrow bandpasses. The 1.4 R[SUB]0[/SUB] MAGRITTE common field of view complements the other SHARPP instruments, as well as its spectral coverage with 6 narrow bandpasses located within the 19.5 to 120 nm interval. The key challenges of the MAGRITTE instrument are a high angular resolution (0.66 arcsec/pixel) with a high responsivity (exposure times smaller than 8 sec), combined with restricted spacecraft resources. The design of MAGRITTE is based on a high performance off-axis Ritchey-Chretien optical system combined with a large detector (4 K x 4 K, 12 µm pixel). The tight pointing stability performance of 1.2 arcsec over the image exposure time requires an active image motion control, using pointing information of a Guide Telescope, to compensate low frequency boresight variations produced by spacecraft jitter. The thermomechanical design and the mirror polishing are highly critical issues in the instrument design. This paper presents the MAGRITTE design concept with the expected performances based on a realistic error budget. The mirror polishing concept and performances are discussed.
Disciplines :
Aerospace & aeronautics engineering
Author, co-author :
Mazy, Emmanuel ; Université de Liège - ULiège > CSL (Centre Spatial de Liège)
Defise, Jean-Marc ; Université de Liège - ULiège > CSL : Direction générale - Satellites, missions et instruments spatiaux
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