Development of the interfacial air layer in the non-aerated region of high-velocity spillway flows. Instabilities growth, entrapped air and influence on the self-aeration onset
Valero Huerta, Daniel; Bung, Daniel B
2016 • In International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 84, p. 66-74
2016 Valero Development of the interfacial air layer in the non-aerated region of high-velocity spillway flows. Instabilities growth, entrapped air and influence on the self-aeration onset.pdf
Air superlayer; Inception point; Kelvin–Helmholtz instability; Turbulent boundary layer; Self-aeration
Abstract :
[en] Self-aeration is traditionally explained by the water turbulent boundary layer outer edge intersection with the free surface. This paper presents a discussion on the commonly accepted hypothesis behind the computation of the critical point of self-aeration in spillway flows and a new formulation is proposed based on the existence of a developing air flow over the free surface. Upstream of the inception point of self-aeration, some surface roughening has been often reported in previous studies which consequently implies some entrapped air transport and air–water flows coupling. Such air flow is proven in this study by presenting measured air velocities and computing the air boundary layer thickness for a 1V:2H smooth chute flow. Additionally, the growth rate of free surface waves has been analysed by means of Ultrasonic Sensors measurements, obtaining also the entrapped air concentration. High-speed camera imaging has been used for qualitative study of the flow perturbations.
Research Center/Unit :
UEE - Urban and Environmental Engineering - ULiège
Bung, Daniel B; FH Aachen > Hydraulic Engineering Section
Language :
Title :
Development of the interfacial air layer in the non-aerated region of high-velocity spillway flows. Instabilities growth, entrapped air and influence on the self-aeration onset
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