[en] Reconstructed slice through a Kidney stone (size 3*2.5*5 mm) scanned with the SkyScan 1172 (60kV, 0.5mm Al filter,
2μm pixel size). It’s composed out of Brushite (35%), Carbapatite (35%) and Struvite (30%). The feather-like structure is
made of Brushite, which grows and spreads from the bottom of the stone, assumed to be the origin. This component is
produced in pathologies that lead to urinary calcium and phosphate super saturation, such as hyperparathyroidism. The
kidney stone was provided by the Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry, University Hospital of Liège, Sart-Tilman (Belgium).
Disciplines :
Radiology, nuclear medicine & imaging
Author, co-author :
Castiglione, Vincent ; Université de Liège > Département de pharmacie > Chimie médicale