Blake (William): The poetical Works, a new and verbatim text from the Manuscript... with variorum readings and bibliographical Notes and Prefaces by John Sampson
Hamélius, Paul
1906 • In Revue de l'Instruction Publique en Belgique, 49, p. 37-38
Hamélius, Paul ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Philologie germanique
Language :
Title :
Blake (William): The poetical Works, a new and verbatim text from the Manuscript... with variorum readings and bibliographical Notes and Prefaces by John Sampson
Publication date :
Journal title :
Revue de l'Instruction Publique en Belgique
Publisher :
H. Lamertin, Bruxelles, Belgium
Volume :
Pages :
Reviewed work :
Blake (William): The poetical Works, a new and verbatim text from the Manuscript... with variorum readings and bibliographical Notes and Prefaces by John Sampson. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1905. XXX + 384 pp. 8°.