[en] Deliverable 11 and 12 have been merged in the present document which can be seen as the main outcome of the activities conducted with Work Package 9 of the Robustimpact project.
Section 2 presents first the sophisticated numerical investigations conducted on a reference structure subjected to impacts of vehicles.
Then, Section 3 presents in details the simplified analytical models/tools developed within the present project to predict the response of a structure (or a part of a structure) further to the impact of a vehicle. With the presented models, it is demonstrated that an accurate prediction of the structural results may be obtained and that all the parameters influencing this response are mastered.
Section 4 introduces the different parametric studies which have been conducted (partly using the models/tools presented in Section 3) on 2D and 3D steel and composite structures or on composite floors.
Finally, Section 5 highlights the structural requirements which can be proposed as an outcome of the performed investigations.
Through this document, it is demonstrated that the different objectives of Work Package 9 have been reached in the framework of this project.