Digestibility; Nutritive value; Pigs; Tree leaf meal; Tropical forage
Abstract :
[en] Tree leaf meals (TLM) are increasingly used in the tropics to feed pigs. The nutritive value of the TLM of cocoyam (Xanthosoma saggitifolium), mulberry (Morus alba) and Trichanthera gigantea, their effect on the digestive tract and their fermentation rate in the large intestine, were determined in adult sows given diets containing 150 or 300 g TLM per kg. The TLM contained from 8·5 to 12·0 MJ digestible energy per kg dry matter (DM) and from 60 to 125 g digestible protein per kg DM. The digestibility was not affected ( P>0·05) by their rate of incorporation in the diet. The apparent ileal protein digestibility of the diets containing 300 g TLM per kg was also determined by the slaughtering method. It reached 80% for the basal diet and 54, 70 and 74% for the Trichanthera-, mulberry- and cocoyam-based diets, respectively. No diet effect ( P>0·05) was observed on the weight and length of the gastro-intestinal tract, with the exception of a heavier caecum in sows given the Trichanthera-based diet ( P<0·01). The pH of the gastric fluid of these sows was also higher ( P<0·001). The fermentation of the dietary fibre in the large intestine was evaluated by the gas technique using syringes. The cocoyam leaves presented the highest amount of total gas produced after fibre fermentation ( P<0·001). The ranking order of gas production was identical to that observed for the digestibility coefficients: Trichanthera <mulberry <cocoyam. In conclusion, TLM can represent up to 0·3 of a diet for sows. Their use in sow nutrition may be considered in tropical regions where protein sources are scarce.
Disciplines :
Animal production & animal husbandry Agriculture & agronomy
Author, co-author :
Leterme, Pascal; Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Palmira, Colombia
Botero, M.; Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Palmira, Colombia
Londono, A. M.; Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Palmira, Colombia
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