Conséquences génétiques et morphologiques des glaciations du Quaternaire : une lignée relique du barbeau (Luciobarbus pallaryi, Cyprinidae) dans le bassin du Guir (Algerie)
[en] Climatic variations during the Quaternary period had a considerable impact on landscapes
and habitat fragmentation (rivers) in North Africa. These historical events can have
significant consequences on the genetic structure of the populations. Indeed, geographi-
cally separated and genetically isolated populations tend to differentiate themselves
through time, eventually becoming distinct lineages, allowing new species to emerge in
later generations. The aim of the present study is to use genetic and morphological
techniques to evaluate the major role of the Saalian glaciation (Middle Quaternary) in the
establishment of the geographic space and in the evolution of the intraspecific genetic
diversity, by tracing the demographic history of barbels belonging to the
Luciobarbus pallaryi (Cyprinidae) species in the Guir Basin (Algeria). In this context,
two populations, from two distinct and isolated sites, were studied. Analysis of the
cytochrome b (cyt b) mitochondrial markers and of the ‘‘D-loop’’ control region has shown
that the ‘‘upstream’’ and ‘‘downstream’’ Guir populations are genetically differentiated.
The molecular analyses suggest that the upstream population was disconnected from this
hydrographic system during the Saalian glaciation period of the Quaternary. Subsequently,
it was isolated in the foggaras underground waters in the Great Western Erg, at
approximately 320 000 years BP, creating, through a bottleneck effect, a new allopatric
lineage referred to as ‘‘Adrar’’. Conversely, the high genetic diversity in the upstream Guir
(Bechar) population suggests that the stock is globally in expansion. These barbels (n = 52)
were also examined with meristic, morphometric, osteological, and biological features
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Brahimi, Amina
Tarai, Nacer
Benhassane, Abdelkrim
Henrard, Arnaud
Libois, Roland ; Université de Liège > Département de Biologie, Ecologie et Evolution > Zoogéographie
Language :
Title :
Conséquences génétiques et morphologiques des glaciations du Quaternaire : une lignée relique du barbeau (Luciobarbus pallaryi, Cyprinidae) dans le bassin du Guir (Algerie)
Alternative titles :
[en] Genetic and morphological consequences of Quaternary glaciations: A relic barbel lineage (Luciobarbus pallaryi, Cyprinidae) of Guir Basin (Algeria)
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