[en] A working party of the "Association d'Epidemiologie et de Sante Animale" assessed the strategy for a control of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) in Belgium and studied its feasability and the different programmes to be applied. Epidemiology of IBR in Belgium, vaccination, diagnostic methods, economic aspects of IBR control, Belgian laws regarding IBR and the motivation of people in the field were described. The advantages and disadvantages of three programmes were analysed: to maintain the current situation, to protect cattle against clinical disease and to control and eradicate IBR.
Disciplines :
Microbiology Veterinary medicine & animal health
Author, co-author :
Limbourg, B.
Kerkhofs, P.
Massard, C.
Michelet, S.
Saegerman, Claude ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des maladies infectieuses et parasitaires > Epidémiologie et analyse des risques appl. aux sc. vétér.
Thiry, Etienne ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des maladies infectieuses et parasitaires > Virologie, épidémiologie et pathologie des maladies virales
Language :
Title :
Advantages and disadvantages of a control programme against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis in Belgium
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