[en] The Paleocene of the Campo section, Spain has different sedimentological characteristics above and below the Mid-Paleocene Unconformity. Beneath the unconformity sediments are dominated by evaporitic carbonates and collapse breccias. Above it they are characterized by continental detrital beds alternating with paleosols.
Different subaerial features are observed and correspond to different porosity values, pore–throat sizes and micrite morphologies. Unexposed or intertidal facies have low porosity, low throat–pore size (mesoporosity) and well preserved rhombic crystals. Intermediate exposed facies (paleosols) possess medium porosity,
medium pore–throat size (microporosity) and mainly micro-rhombic crystals. Finally, the facies corresponding to high exposure intensity and to evaporitic original facies presents high porosity, permeability, large pore–throat size and rounded micritic crystals. These observations show that the emersion phase caused important dissolution, especially when associated with an easily dissolved original lithofacies.
Disciplines :
Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
Da Silva, Anne-Christine ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géologie > Pétrologie sédimentaire
Loisy, Corinne
Cerepi, Adrian
Toullec, Renaud
Kieffer, Eloise
Humbert, Louis
Razin, Philippe
Language :
Title :
Variations in stratigraphic and reservoir properties adjacent to the Mid-Paleocene sequence boundary, Campo section, Pyrenees, Spain
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