Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Some aspects of the biochemistry of chitin-protein complex in the insect proticle
Jeuniaux, Charles


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Keywords :
procuticle; chitin; proteins
Abstract :
[en] Both chitin degradation by chitinases and the hormonal control of chitin biosynthesis can interfere with the development of fungi in the invaded insect cuticle. As far as prospective research in applied biology is concerned, it may be suggested that a better knowledge of the biochemistry of chitin biosynthesis in insects would allow a fruitful comparison with that a fungi. The influence of insect molting hrmones on the chitin synthesizing system of fungi could also open interesting developments. Finally, a better knowledge of the mechanisms allowing the penetration of fungal filaments through the cuticle is of course needed : the exceptional resistance of the chitinprotein complex of the exocuticle to enzymatic breakdown by the molting fluid hydrolasas suggests a careful examination of the adaptation of parasitic fungi at the level of their exocellular enzymatic equipment.
Disciplines :
Environmental sciences & ecology
Author, co-author :
Jeuniaux, Charles ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Zoological Institute > Laboratory of morphology, systematics and animal ecology
Language :
Title :
Some aspects of the biochemistry of chitin-protein complex in the insect proticle
Publication date :
Event name :
Infection processes of Fungi, a Bellagio Conference
Event date :
March 21-25, 1983
Available on ORBi :
since 04 January 2016


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