Framing; Rhetorical Criticism; Argentine press; Opinion genre; Expropriation of YPF
Abstract :
[en] This article examines how opinion articles in the Argentine press framed the government's expropriation of Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF) from Repsol in 2012. By understanding frames as narratives composed by the interrelation of the functions of frame, and adopting Kuper's proposal to analyze framing from the perspective of rhetorical criticism, this study focuses on two newspapers with opposing editorial lines (La Nación and Página 12) and identifies two different narratives shaping the reporting of this story. The results also reveal two different views of the role of the market and the state in the economy and in the management of energy resources.
Research Center/Unit :
Center for International Relations Studies (CEFIR)
Disciplines :
Communication & mass media
Author, co-author :
Azpíroz Manero, María Luisa ; Université de Liège > Département de science politique > Relations internationales
Language :
Title :
The Expropriation of YPF from Repsol in the Argentine Press: Analyzing Framing in Opinion Pieces through Rhetorical Criticism
Publication date :
November 2015
Journal title :
Doxa Comunicación: Revista Interdisciplinar de Estudios de Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales