[en] This thesis aims to analyze the migration policies of France through the prism of the
securitization of immigration theory. This theoretical current comes from the school of critical
security studies, and has as central concepts security threat, borders and boundaries. The
securitization observes that immigration is conceptualized as a source of insecurity for the political community, where the boundaries are erected to protect autochthonous, where political speeches (anti-immigration) and migration policies (restrictive) are convergent. The french immigration and integration policies are guided by universalist republican model. The nature of this model provides a structural problem for implementing policies for minorities, that along with political speeches, against immigration, provided the increase in nationalism. There is a facility to convert the refugees into a source of insecurity due to the competition between human security and national security. The refugees are in the gray zone of migration policies, where the concept can be easily manipulated, and the criteria for granting refugee status may be contested. The field research on the situation of refugees in Nord-Pas-de-Calais demonstrates that the dialectic between the concepts of refugee, illegal immigrant and sans-papiers contributes for the permanence of insecurity and confinement of refugees between the borders, which France and United Kingdom are implicated. This research reveals an absence of welcome
context (of the government), where refugees are at the mercy of the illegal immigration market and police violence
Disciplines :
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others