Effect test of Industrial Organic Manure on the Physical Growth and Yield Performance of Bean in Bugesera District Environment. Case of Earth Boost fertilizer on Colta variety
[en] The study was designed to test the Earth Boost effect on physical growth and yield performance of bean. Four fertilizer compositions were thus compared to the control (untreated) in Completely Randomized Block experimental design with 6 replications; where Earth Boost was compared to the traditional organic manure (cow dung) on the one hand, and between the combinations of each with the diammonium phosphate, DAP. The observations and data collected focused mainly on the height, stem girth, the number of leaves and the yield of bean plants as well as their respective analysis of variance allowing assessing the effect of treatments on the physical growth and yield. The results overall showed the efficiency of EB on the growth in height, leaf and stem girth development as well as on yield. Therefore, the additional yield performance obtained by its use or in substitution of traditional organic manure constitutes economic reasons for introduction of this new factor into the system of production.
Effect test of Industrial Organic Manure on the Physical Growth and Yield Performance of Bean in Bugesera District Environment. Case of Earth Boost fertilizer on Colta variety
Publication date :
Journal title :
East African Journal of Science and Technology
Publisher :
East African Journal of Science and Technology, Kigali, Rwanda