Famennian; palaeobiogeography; Phyllolepis; Red Hill; Strud; Turrisaspis
Abstract :
[en] The placoderm fauna of the late Famennian tetrapod-bearing locality of Strud, Belgium, is studied on the basis of historical and newly collected material. It includes the previously described antiarch Grossilepis rikiki, the groenlandaspidid Turrisaspis strudensis sp. nov. and the actinolepidoideid Phyllolepis undulata. P. undulata is thoroughly described and joins the list of the valid Phyllolepis species confidently diagnosed. A morphometrical analysis performed
on the centronuchal and anterior ventrolateral plates of the Phyllolepis material demonstrates that there is only one species of Phyllolepis in Belgium (thus, Phyllolepis konincki becomes a junior synonym of P. undulata), that P. rossimontina (Pennsylvania) is a synonym of P. undulata and that the unity of the genus Phyllolepis is strongly supported, although the characterization of several species within this genus is blurred. The strong resemblance between the faunal compositions in Strud and Red Hill (Pennsylvania, USA) suggests important faunal exchanges between these regions of the Euramerica landmass.
Clément, Gaël; Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris, France)
Daeschler, Edward; Drexel university > Academy of Natural Sciences
Dupret, Vincent; The Australian National University
Language :
Title :
Characterization of the placoderm (Gnathostomata) assemblage from the tetrapod-bearing locality of Strud (Belgium, Upper Famennian)
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Blackwell Publishing
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Name of the research project :
TERRES 2010-BLAN-607-03 project
Funders :
BELSPO - SPP Politique scientifique - Service Public Fédéral de Programmation Politique scientifique Jessup Fund Synthesys Project DK-TAF-2253 ANR - Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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