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Atema J, Kingsford M, Gerlach G 2002. Larval reef fish could use odour for detection, retention and orientation to reefs. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 241: 151-160.
Ben-Tzvi O, Kiflawi M, Polak O, Abelson A 2009. The effect of adult aggression on habitat selection by settlers of two coral-dwelling damselfishes. PLoS ONE 4: e5511.
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Chin A, Lison De Lorna T, Reytar K, Planes S, Gerhardt K, Clua E, Burke L, Wilkinson C 2011. Status of Coral Reefs of the Pacific and Outlook: 2011. Publishers Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network: 260 p.
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Danilowicz BS 1996. Choice of coral species by naive and field-caught samselfish. Copeia 3: 735-739.
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Dittman A, Quinn T 1996. Homing in Pacific salmon: mechanisms and ecological basis. J Exp Biol 199: 83-91.
Dixson DL, Jones GP, Munday PL, Planes S, Pratchett MS, Srinivasan M, Syms C, Thorrold SR 2008. Coral reef fish smell leaves to find island homes. Proc R Soc Loud B Biol Sci 275: 2831-2839.
Dixson DL, Munday PL, Jones GP 2010. Ocean acidification disrupts the innate ability offish to detect predator olfactory cues. Ecol Lett 13: 68-75.
Dixson DL, Jones GP, Munday PL, Pratchett MS, Srinivasan M, Planes S, Thorrold SR 2011. Terrestrial chemical cues help coral reef fish larvae locate settlement habitat surrounding islands: coral reef fish larvae use land cues for settlement. Ecol Evol 1:586-595.
Dixson DL, Pratchett MS, Munday PL 2012. Reef fishes innately distinguish predators based on olfactory cues associated with recent prey items rather than individual species. Anim Behav 84:45-51.
Dixson DL, Jones GP, Munday PL, Planes S, Pratchett MS, Thorrold SR 2014a. Experimental evaluation of imprinting and the role innate preference plays in habitat selection in a coral reef fish. Oecologia 174: 99-107.
Dixson DL, Abrego D, Hay ME 2014b. Chemically mediated behavior of recruiting corals and fishes: A tipping point that may limit reef recovery. Science 345: 892-897.
Doherty PJ 2002. Variable replenishment and the dynamics of reef fish populations. In Sale PF (ed), Coral Reef Fishes: Dynamics and Diversity in a Complex Ecosystem. Academic Press, San Diego: 151-170.
Elliott JK, Elliott JM, Mariscal RN 1995. Host selection, location, and association behaviors of anemone fishes in field settlement experiments. Mar Biol 122: 377-389.
Fay R 2009. Soundscapes and the sense of hearing of fishes. Integr Zool 4:26-32.
Fisher R, Bellwood DR, Job SD 2000. Development of swimming abilities in reef fish larvae. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 202: 163-173.
Gerlach G, Atema J, Kingsford MJ, Black KP, Miller-Sims V 2007. Smelling home can prevent dispersal of reef fish larvae. Proc Natl Acad Sci 104: 858-863.
Gleason DF, Danilowicz BS, Nolan CJ 2009. Reef waters stimulate substratum exploration in planulae from brooding Caribbean corals. Coral Reefs 28: 549-554.
Grigg RW, Dollar SJ 1990. Natural and anthropogenic disturbance on coral reefs. Ecosyst World 25:439-452.
Grol MGG, Nagelkerken I, Rypel AL, Layman CA 2011. Simple ecological trade-offs give rise to emergent crossecosystem distributions of a coral reef fish. Oecologia 165: 79-88.
Holies S, Simpson SD, Radford AN, Berten, L, Lecchini D 2013. Boat noise disrupts orientation behaviour in a coral reef fish. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 485:295-300.
Hughes TP, Rodrigues MJ, Bellwood DR, Ceccarelli DM, Hoegh-Guldberg O 2007. Phase shifts, herbivory and the resilience of coral reefs to climate change. Curr Biol 17: 1-6.
Huijbers CM, Mollee EM, Nagelkerken I 2008. Post-larval French grunts (Haemulonflavolineatum) distinguish between seagrass, mangrove and coral reef water: Implications for recognition of potential nursery habitats. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 357:134-139.
Huijbers CM, Nagelkerken I, Lossbroek PAC, Schulten IE, Siegenthaler A, Holderied MW, Simpson SD 2012. A test of the senses: fish select novel habitats by responding to multiple cues. Ecology 93: 46-55.
Igulu MM, Nagelkerken I, Fraaije R, van Hintum R, Ligtenberg H, Mgaya YD 2011. The potential role of visual cues for microhabitat selection during the early life phase of a coral reef fish (Lutjanus fidviflamma). J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 401: 118-125.
Igulu MM, Nagelkerken I, Beek M, Schippers M, Eck R, Mgaya YD 2013. Orientation from open water to settlement habitats by coral reef fish: behavioral flexibility in the use of multiple reliable cues. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 493: 243-257.
Job SD, Bellwood DR 2000. Light sensitivity in larval fishes: Implications for vertical zonation in the pelagic zone. Limn Ocean 45: 362-371.
Jones GP, McCormick MI, Srinivasan M, Eagle JV 2004. Coral decline threatens fish biodiversity in marine reserves. Proc Nat Acad Sci 101: 8251-8253.
Kennedy EV, Holderied MW, Mair JM, Guzman HM, Simpson SD 2010. Spatial patterns in reef-generated noise relate to habitats and communities: evidence from a Panamanian case study. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 395: 85-92.
Kingsford MJ, Leis JM, Shanks A, Lindeman KC, Morgan SG, Pineda J 2002. Sensory environments, larval abilities and local self-recruitment. Bull Mar Sci 70: 309-340.
Kotrschal K, Adam H, Brandstatter R, Junger H, Zaunreiter M, Goldschmid A 1990. Larval size constraints determine directional ontogenetic shifts in the visual system of teleosts. J Zoo Syst 28: 166-182
Lara MR 2001. Morphology of the eye and visual acuities in the settlement - intervals of some coral reef fishes (Labridae, Scaridae). Environ Biol Fish 62: 365-378.
Lecchini D, Galzin R 2003. Influence of pelagic and benthic, biotic and abiotic, stochastic and deterministic processes on the dynamics of auto-recruitment of coral reef fish. Cybium 27: 167-184.
Lecchini D, Dufour V, Carleton J, Strand S, Galzin R 2004. Study of the fish larval flux at Moorea Island: is the spatial scale significant? J Fish Biol 65: 1142-1146.
Lecchini D, Planes S, Galzin R 2005a. Experimental assessment of sensory modalities of coral reef fish larvae in the recognition of settlement habitat. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 56: 18-26.
Lecchini D, Shima JS, Banaigs B, Galzin R 2005b. Larval sensory abilities and mechanisms of habitat selection of a coral reef fish during settlement. Oecologia 143: 326-334.
Lecchini D, Polti S, Nakamura Y, Mosconi P, Tsuchiya M, Remoissenet G, Planes S 2006. New perspectives to aquarium fish trade. Fish Sci 72:40-47
Lecchini D, Planes S, Galzin R 2007. The influence of habitat characteristics and conspecifics on attraction and survival of coral reef fish juveniles. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 341: 85-90.
Lecchini D, Nakamura Y 2013. Use of chemical cues by coral reef animal larvae for habitat selection. Aqua Biol 19: 231-238.
Lecchini D, Waqalevu VP, Parmentier E, Radford CA, Banaigs B 2013. Fish larvae prefer coral above algal water cues: Implications of coral reef degradation. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 475: 303-307.
Lecchini D, Miura T, Lecellier G, Banaigs B, Nakamura Y 2014a. Transmission distance of chemical cues from coral habitats: Implications for marine larval settlement in context of reef degradation. Mar Biol 161: 1677-1686.
Lecchini D, Peyrusse K, Lanyon RG, Lecellier G 2014b. Importance of visual cues of conspecifics and predators during the habitat selection of coral reef fish larvae. C R Biol 337: 345-351.
Lecchini D, Mills SC, Beldade R 2015. Reproduction and larval settlement. In Parmentier E, Frederich B (eds), Damselfishes in Coral Reefs. Academic press: in press.
Leis JM, Carson-Ewart, BM 1999. In situ swimming and settlement behaviour of larvae of an Indo-Pacific coral-reef fish, the coral trout Plectropomus leopardus (Pisces: Serranidae). Mar Biol 134:51-64.
Leis JM, McCormick MI 2002. The biology, behavior, and ecology of the pelagic larval stage of coral reef fishes. In Sale PF (ed), Coral Reef Fishes: Dynamics and Diversity in a Complex Ecosystem. Academic Press, San Diego: 171-199.
Leis JM, Carson-Ewart BM 2003. Orientation of pelagic larvae of coral-reef fishes in the ocean. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 252: 239-253.
Leis JM, Siebeck U, Dixson DL 2011. How Nemo finds home: the neuroecology of dispersal and of population connectivity in larvae of marine fishes. Integr Comp Biol 51: 826-843.
Leis JM, Paris CB, Irisson JO, Yerman MN, Siebeck U 2014. Orientation of fish larvae in situ is consistent among locations, years and methods, but varies with time of day. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 505: 193-208.
Leis JM 2015. Is dispersal of larval reef fishes passive? In Mora C (ed), Ecology of Fishes on Coral Reefs. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK: 223-226.
Mann DA, Casper BM, Boyle KS, Tricas TC 2007. On the attraction of larval fishes to reef sounds. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 338:307-310.
McCormick MI, Makey LJ, Dufour V 2002. Comparative study of metamorphosis in tropical reef fishes. Mar Biol 141: 841-853.
Montgomery JC, Jeffs A, Simpson SD, Meekan M, Tindie C 2006. Sound as an orientation cue for the pelagic larvae of reef fishes and decapod crustaceans. Adv Mar Biol 51: 143-196.
Mouritsen H, Atema J, Kingsford MJ, Gerlach G 2013. Sun Compass Orientation Helps Coral Reef Fish Larvae Return to Their Natal Reef. PLoS ONE 8: e66039.
Munday PL, Dixson DL, Donelson JM, Jones GP, Pratchett MS, Devitsina, GV, Døving KB 2009. Ocean acidification impairs olfactory discrimination and homing ability of a marine fish. Proc Natl Acad Sci 106: 1848-1852.
Munday PL, Pratchett MS, Dixson DL, Donelson JM, Endo GGK, Reynolds AD, Knuckey R 2013. Elevated CO2 affects the behavior of an ecologically and economically important coral reef fish. Mar Biol 160: 2137-2144.
Myrberg AA, Fuiman L 2002. The sensory world of coral reef fishes. In Sale PF (ed), Coral Reef Fishes: Dynamics and Diversity in a Complex Ecosystem. Academic Press, San Diego: 187-227.
Nedelec S, Simpson SD, Holderied M, Radford AN, Lecellier G, Radford C, Lecchini D 2015. Soundscapes and living communities in coral reefs: temporal and spatial variation. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 524: 125-135.
Paris CB, Atema J, Irisson JO, Kingsford M, Gerlach G, Guigand CM 2013a. Reef Odor: A Wake Up Call for Navigation in Reef Fish Larvae. PLoS ONE 8, e72808.
Paris CB, Helgers J, Van Sebille E, Srinivasan A 2013b. Connectivity modeling system: A probabilistic modeling tool for the multi-scale tracking of biotic and abiotic variability in the ocean. Environ Model Software 42: 47-54
Parmentier E, Kéver L, Casadevall M, Lecchini D 2010. Diversity and complexity in the acoustic behaviour of Dacyllus flavicaudus (Pomacentridae). Mar Biol 157: 2317-2327.
Parmentier E, Berten L, Rigo P, Aubrun F, Holies S, Simpson SD, Lecchini D 2015a. Influence of reef sound on coral reef larvae behavior. J Fish Biol: in press.
Parmentier E, Berten L, Simpson SD, Radford CA, Lecchini D 2015b. Sound propagation in the ocean: a case study in the North coast of Moorea, French Polynesia. Submitted in MEPS.
Pekin BK, Jung JH, Villanueva-Rivera LJ, Pijanowski BC, Ahumada JA 2012. Modeling acoustic diversity using sound-scape recordings and LIDAR-derived metrics of vertical forest structure in a neotropical rainforest. Landscape Ecol 27: 1513-1522.
Pijanowski BC, Villanueva-Rivera LJ, Dumyahn SL, Farina A, Krause BL, Napoletano BM, Gage SH, Pieretti N 2011. Soundscape ecology: the science of sound in the landscape. Bioscience 61: 203-216.
Radford CA, Jeffs AG, Montgomery JC 2007. Directional swimming behavior by five species of crab postlarvae in response to reef sound. Bull Mar Sci 80: 369-378.
Radford C, Jeffs A, Tindle C, Montgomery J 2008. Temporal patterns in ambient noise of biological origin from a shallow water temperate reef. Oecologia 156: 921-929.
Radford CA, Tindle CT, Montgomery JC, Jeffs AG 2011a. Modelling a reef as an extended sound source increases the predicted range at which reef noise may be heard by fish larvae. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 438: 167-174.
Radford CA, Stanley JA, Simpson SD, Jeffs AG 2011b. Juvenile coral reef fish use sound to locate habitats. Coral Reefs 30: 295-305.
Radford AN, Kerridge E, Simpson SD 2014. Acoustic communication in a noisy world: can fish compete with anthropogenic noise? Behav Ecol 62: 20-29.
Siebeck UE, O'Connor J, Braun C, Leis JM 2015. Do human activities influence survival and orientation abilities of larval fishes in the ocean? Integr Zool 10: 5-82.
Simpson SD, Meekan M, Montgomery J, McCauley R, Jeffs A 2005. Homeward sound. Science 308: 221.
Simpson SD, Meekan MG, Larsen NJ, McCauley RD, Jeffs A 2010. Behavioral plasticity in larval reef fish: orientation is influenced by recent acoustic experiences. Behav Ecol 21: 1098-1105.
Simpson S, Radford A, Tickle E, Meekan M, Jeffs AG 2011. Adaptive avoidance of reef noise. PLoS ONE 6: 1-5
Staaterman E, Paris CB, Helgers J 2012a. Orientation behavior in fish larvae: a missing piece to Hjort's critical period hypothesis. J Theor Biol 304: 188-196.
Staaterman E, Rice AN, Mann DA, Paris CB 2012b. Sound-scapes from a tropical eastern Pacific reef and a Caribbean Sea reef. Coral Reefs 32: 553-557.
Staaterman E, Paris CB 2014. Modelling larval fish navigation: the way forward. ICES J Mar Sci J Cons 103:12-21.
Stamps J, Krishnan VV 2005. Non intuitive cue in habitat selection. Ecology 86:2860-2867.
Sweatman HPA 1988. Field evidence that settling coral reef fish larvae detect resident fishes using dissolved chemical cues. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 124: 163-174.
Tolimieri N, Haine O, Jeffs A, McCauley R, Montgomery J 2004. Directional orientation of pomacentrid larvae to ambient reef sound. Coral Reefs 23: 184-191.
Vail AL, McCormick MI 2011. Metamorphosing reef fishes avoid predator scent when choosing a home. Biol Lett 7:921-924.
Vergassola M, Villermaux E, Shraiman BI 2007. 'Infotaxis' as a strategy for searching without gradients. Nature 445: 406-409.
Williams DM, Wolanski E Andrews JC 1984. Transport mechanisms and the potential movement of planktonic larvae in the central region of the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 3:29-36.
Wright KJ, Higgs DM, Cato DH, Leis JM 2010. Auditory sensitivity in settlement-stage larvae of coral reef fishes. Coral Reefs 29: 235-243.
Dixson DL, Pratchett MS, Munday PL 2012. Reef fishes innately distinguish predators based on olfactory cues associated with recent prey items rather than individual species. Anim Behav 84:45-51.
Dixson DL, Jones GP, Munday PL, Planes S, Pratchett MS, Thorrold SR 2014a. Experimental evaluation of imprinting and the role innate preference plays in habitat selection in a coral reef fish. Oecologia 174: 99-107.
Dixson DL, Abrego D, Hay ME 2014b. Chemically mediated behavior of recruiting corals and fishes: A tipping point that may limit reef recovery. Science 345: 892-897.
Doherty PJ 2002. Variable replenishment and the dynamics of reef fish populations. In Sale PF (ed), Coral Reef Fishes: Dynamics and Diversity in a Complex Ecosystem. Academic Press, San Diego: 151-170.
Elliott JK, Elliott JM, Mariscal RN 1995. Host selection, location, and association behaviors of anemone fishes in field settlement experiments. Mar Biol 122: 377-389.
Fay R 2009. Soundscapes and the sense of hearing of fishes. Integr Zool 4: 26-32.
Fisher R, Bellwood DR, Job SD 2000. Development of swimming abilities in reef fish larvae. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 202: 163-173.
Gerlach G, Atema J, Kingsford MJ, Black KP, Miller-Sims V 2007. Smelling home can prevent dispersal of reef fish larvae. Proc Natl Acad Sci 104: 858-863.
Gleason DF, Danilowicz BS, Nolan CJ 2009. Reef waters stimulate substratum exploration in planulae from brooding Caribbean corals. Coral Reefs 28: 549-554.
Grigg RW, Dollar SJ 1990. Natural and anthropogenic disturbance on coral reefs. Ecosyst World 25:439-452.
Grol MGG, Nagelkerken I, Rypel AL, Layman CA 2011. Simple ecological trade-offs give rise to emergent crossecosystem distributions of a coral reef fish. Oecologia 165:79-88.
Holies S, Simpson SD, Radford AN, Berten, L, Lecchini D 2013. Boat noise disrupts orientation behaviour in a coral reef fish. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 485: 295-300.
Hughes TP, Rodrigues MJ, Bellwood DR, Ceccarelli DM, Hoegh-Guldberg O 2007. Phase shifts, herbivory and the resilience of coral reefs to climate change. Curr Biol 17: 1-6.
Huijbers CM, Mollee EM, Nagelkerken I 2008. Post-larval French grunts (Haemulon flavolineatum) distinguish between seagrass, mangrove and coral reef water: Implications for recognition of potential nursery habitats. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 357:134-139.
Huijbers CM, Nagelkerken I, Lossbroek PAC, Schulten IE, Siegenthaler A, Holderied MW, Simpson SD 2012. A test of the senses: fish select novel habitats by responding to multiple cues. Ecology 93: 46-55.
Igulu MM, Nagelkerken I, Fraaije R, van Hintum R, Ligtenberg H, Mgaya YD 2011. The potential role of visual cues for microhabitat selection during the early life phase of a coral reef fish (Lutjanus fulviflamma). J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 401: 118-125.
Igulu MM, Nagelkerken I, Beek M, Schippers M, Eck R, Mgaya YD 2013. Orientation from open water to settlement habitats by coral reef fish: behavioral flexibility in the use of multiple reliable cues. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 493: 243-257.
Job SD, Bellwood DR 2000. Light sensitivity in larval fishes: Implications for vertical zonation in the pelagic zone. Limn Ocean 45: 362-371.
Jones GP, McCormick MI, Srinivasan M, Eagle JV 2004. Coral decline threatens fish biodiversity in marine reserves. Proc Nat Acad Sci 101: 8251-8253.
Kennedy EV, Holderied MW, Mair JM, Guzman HM, Simpson SD 2010. Spatial patterns in reef-generated noise relate to habitats and communities: evidence from a Panamanian case study. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 395: 85-92.
Kingsford MJ, Leis JM, Shanks A, Lindeman KC, Morgan SG, Pineda J 2002. Sensory environments, larval abilities and local self-recruitment. Bull Mar Sci 70: 309-340.
Kotrschal K, Adam H, Brandstatter R, Junger H, Zaunreiter M, Goldschmid A 1990. Larval size constraints determine directional ontogenetic shifts in the visual system of teleosts. J Zoo Syst 28: 166-182
Lara MR 2001. Morphology of the eye and visual acuities in the settlement - intervals of some coral reef fishes (Labridae, Scaridae). Environ Biol Fish 62: 365-378.
Lecchini D, Galzin R 2003. Influence of pelagic and benthic, biotic and abiotic, stochastic and deterministic processes on the dynamics of auto-recruitment of coral reef fish. Cybium 27: 167-184.
Lecchini D, Dufour V, Carleton J, Strand S, Galzin R 2004. Study of the fish larval flux at Moorea Island: is the spatial scale significant? J Fish Biol 65: 1142-1146.
Lecchini D, Planes S, Galzin R 2005a. Experimental assessment of sensory modalities of coral reef fish larvae in the recognition of settlement habitat. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 56:18-26.
Lecchini D, Shima JS, Banaigs B, Galzin R 2005b. Larval sensory abilities and mechanisms of habitat selection of a coral reef fish during settlement. Oecologia 143: 326-334.
Lecchini D, Polti S, Nakamura Y, Mosconi P, Tsuchiya M, Remoissenet G, Planes S 2006. New perspectives to aquarium fish trade. Fish Sci 72:40-47
Lecchini D, Planes S, Galzin R 2007. The influence of habitat characteristics and conspecifics on attraction and survival of coral reef fish juveniles. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 341: 85-90.
Lecchini D, Nakamura Y 2013. Use of chemical cues by coral reef animal larvae for habitat selection. Aqua Biol 19: 231-238.
Lecchini D, Waqalevu VP, Parmentier E, Radford CA, Banaigs B 2013. Fish larvae prefer coral above algal water cues: Implications of coral reef degradation. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 475: 303-307.
Lecchini D, Miura T, Lecellier G, Banaigs B, Nakamura Y 2014a. Transmission distance of chemical cues from coral habitats: Implications for marine larval settlement in context of reef degradation. Mar Biol 161:1677-1686.
Lecchini D, Peyrusse K, Lanyon RG, Lecellier G 2014b. Importance of visual cues of conspecifics and predators during the habitat selection of coral reef fish larvae. C R Biol 337: 345-351.
Lecchini D, Mills SC, Beldade R 2015. Reproduction and larval settlement. In Parmentier E, Frederich B (eds), Damselfishes in Coral Reefs. Academic press: in press.
Leis JM, Carson-Ewart, BM 1999. In situ swimming and settlement behaviour of larvae of an Indo-Pacific coral-reef fish, the coral trout Plectropomus leopardus (Pisces: Serranidae). Mar Biol 134: 51-64.
Leis JM, McCormick MI 2002. The biology, behavior, and ecology of the pelagic larval stage of coral reef fishes. In Sale PF (ed), Coral Reef Fishes: Dynamics and Diversity in a Complex Ecosystem. Academic Press, San Diego: 171-199.
Leis JM, Carson-Ewart BM 2003. Orientation of pelagic larvae of coral-reef fishes in the ocean. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 252: 239-253.
Leis JM, Siebeck U, Dixson DL 2011. How Nemo finds home: the neuroecology of dispersal and of population connectivity in larvae of marine fishes. Integr Comp Biol 51: 826-843.
Leis JM, Paris CB, Irisson JO, Yerman MN, Siebeck U 2014. Orientation of fish larvae in situ is consistent among locations, years and methods, but varies with time of day. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 505: 193-208.
Leis JM 2015. Is dispersal of larval reef fishes passive? In Mora C (ed), Ecology of Fishes on Coral Reefs. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK: 223-226.
Mann DA, Casper BM, Boyle KS, Tricas TC 2007. On the attraction of larval fishes to reef sounds. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 338:307-310.
McCormick MI, Makey LJ, Dufour V 2002. Comparative study of metamorphosis in tropical reef fishes. Mar Biol 141: 841-853.
Montgomery JC, Jeffs A, Simpson SD, Meekan M, Tindie C 2006. Sound as an orientation cue for the pelagic larvae of reef fishes and decapod crustaceans. Adv Mar Biol 51: 143-196.
Mouritsen H, Atema J, Kingsford MJ, Gerlach G 2013. Sun Compass Orientation Helps Coral Reef Fish Larvae Return to Their Natal Reef. PLoS ONE 8: e66039.
Munday PL, Dixson DL, Donelson JM, Jones GP, Pratchett MS, Devitsina, GV, Døving KB 2009. Ocean acidification impairs olfactory discrimination and homing ability of a marine fish. Proc Natl Acad Sci 106:1848-1852.
Munday PL, Pratchett MS, Dixson DL, Donelson JM, Endo GGK, Reynolds AD, Knuckey R 2013. Elevated CO2 affects the behavior of an ecologically and economically important coral reef fish. Mar Biol 160: 2137-2144.
Myrberg AA, Fuiman L 2002. The sensory world of coral reef fishes. In Sale PF (ed), Coral Reef Fishes: Dynamics and Diversity in a Complex Ecosystem. Academic Press, San Diego: 187-227.
Nedelec S, Simpson SD, Holderied M, Radford AN, Lecellier G, Radford C, Lecchini D 2015. Soundscapes and living communities in coral reefs: temporal and spatial variation. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 524: 125-135.
Paris CB, Atema J, Irisson JO, Kingsford M, Gerlach G, Guigand CM 2013a. Reef Odor: A Wake Up Call for Navigation in Reef Fish Larvae. PLoS ONE 8, e72808.
Paris CB, Helgers J, Van Sebille E, Srinivasan A 2013b. Connectivity modeling system: A probabilistic modeling tool for the multi-scale tracking of biotic and abiotic variability in the ocean. Environ Model Software 42: 47-54
Parmentier E, Kéver L, Casadevall M, Lecchini D 2010. Diversity and complexity in the acoustic behaviour of Dacyllus flavicaudus (Pomacentridae). Mar Biol 157: 2317-2327.
Parmentier E, Berten L, Rigo P, Aubrun F, Holies S, Simpson SD, Lecchini D 2015a. Influence of reef sound on coral reef larvae behavior. J Fish Biol: in press.
Parmentier E, Berten L, Simpson SD, Radford CA, Lecchini D 2015b. Sound propagation in the ocean: a case study in the North coast of Moorea, French Polynesia. Submitted in MEPS.
Pekin BK, Jung JH, Villanueva-Rivera LJ, Pijanowski BC, Ahumada JA 2012. Modeling acoustic diversity using sound-scape recordings and LIDAR-derived metrics of vertical forest structure in a neotropical rainforest. Landscape Ecol 27: 1513-1522.
Pijanowski BC, Villanueva-Rivera LJ, Dumyahn SL, Farina A, Krause BL, Napoletano BM, Gage SH, Pieretti N 2011. Soundscape ecology: the science of sound in the landscape. Bioscience 61: 203-216.
Radford CA, Jeffs AG, Montgomery JC 2007. Directional swimming behavior by five species of crab postlarvae in response to reef sound. Bull Mar Sci 80: 369-378.
Radford C, Jeffs A, Tindle C, Montgomery J 2008. Temporal patterns in ambient noise of biological origin from a shallow water temperate reef. Oecologia 156: 921-929.
Radford CA, Tindle CT, Montgomery JC, Jeffs AG 2011a. Modelling a reef as an extended sound source increases the predicted range at which reef noise may be heard by fish larvae. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 438:167-174.
Radford CA, Stanley JA, Simpson SD, Jeffs AG 2011b. Juvenile coral reef fish use sound to locate habitats. Coral Reefs 30: 295-305.
Radford AN, Kerridge E, Simpson SD 2014. Acoustic communication in a noisy world: can fish compete with anthropogenic noise? Behav Ecol 62: 20-29.
Siebeck UE, O'Connor J, Braun C, Leis JM 2015. Do human activities influence survival and orientation abilities of larval fishes in the ocean? Integr Zool 10: 5-82.
Simpson SD, Meekan M, Montgomery J, McCauley R, Jeffs A 2005. Homeward sound. Science 308: 221.
Simpson SD, Meekan MG, Larsen NJ, McCauley RD, Jeffs A 2010. Behavioral plasticity in larval reef fish: orientation is influenced by recent acoustic experiences. Behav Ecol 21: 1098-1105.
Simpson S, Radford A, Tickle E, Meekan M, Jeffs AG 2011. Adaptive avoidance of reef noise. PLoS ONE 6:1-5
Staaterman E, Paris CB, Helgers J 2012a. Orientation behavior in fish larvae: a missing piece to Hjort's critical period hypothesis. J Theor Biol 304: 188-196.
Staaterman E, Rice AN, Mann DA, Paris CB 2012b. Sound-scapes from a tropical eastern Pacific reef and a Caribbean Sea reef. Coral Reefs 32: 553-557.
Staaterman E, Paris CB 2014. Modelling larval fish navigation: the way forward. ICES J Mar Sci J Cons 103: 12-21.
Stamps J, Krishnan VV 2005. Non intuitive cue in habitat selection. Ecology 86: 2860-2867.
Sweatman HPA 1988. Field evidence that settling coral reef fish larvae detect resident fishes using dissolved chemical cues. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 124: 163-174.
Tolimieri N, Haine O, Jeffs A, McCauley R, Montgomery J 2004. Directional orientation of pomacentrid larvae to ambient reef sound. Coral Reefs 23: 184-191.
Vail AL, McCormick MI 2011. Metamorphosing reef fishes avoid predator scent when choosing a home. Biol Lett 7: 921-924.
Vergassola M, Villermaux E, Shraiman BI 2007. Tnfotaxis' as a strategy for searching without gradients. Nature 445: 406-409.
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