[en] Jhumpa Lahiri’s work is unusual for the ways in which it challenges the interlocked ‘matrophobic’ and assimilationist streaks at play in US ethnic and South Asian American literature. Taking its cue from Marianne Hirsch, this chapter examines how Lahiri’s ‘mother-friendly’ versions of the mother-daughter relationship have the potential to complicate the predetermined scripts pertaining to representations of the Indian-American diaspora as a ‘model diaspora’ by the homeland and a ‘model minority’ by the US, while opening new gendered vistas on silenced histories.
Research Center/Unit :
CEREP - Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Études Postcoloniales - ULiège
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Munos, Delphine ; Université de Liège > Département de langues et littératures modernes > Littérature anglaise moderne et littérature américaine
Language :
Title :
Of Kaleidoscopic Mothers and Diasporic Twists: The Mother/Daughter Plot in the Work of Jhumpa Lahiri