[en] European Upper Palaeolithic lithic assemblages have been so far defined largely on a typological or technological basis, while extensive studies that would utilise the full potential of microwear analysis have been few. This contribution presents the first results of an ongoing PhD project dedicated to the variability in stone tool use and hafting in the Upper Palaeolithic of Central and Western Europe. The aim of the project is to understand the development as well as regional patterns in tool hafting and use in the Gravettian and Magdalenian, and thus better explain the observed morphological and technological shifts. For this purpose, samples of tools from five European key sites with well-dated sequences (Hohle Fels, Geißenklösterle, Vogelherd, Maisières-Canal, and Abri Pataud) will be analysed giving a special emphasis on hafting traces. The study wishes to promote functional analysis as an integral part of technological studies, not as a mere side note. The German cave site Hohle Fels is used here as a case study to illustrate the potential of this kind of approach. The first results of the analysis of the site’s Gravettian material will be put into a wider context of earlier published results as well as preliminary observations made on the other assemblages included in the present study. Building on these results, the impact of tool hafting and use on the morphology of Gravettian lithic implements will be discussed.
Research Center/Unit :
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Taipale, Noora ; Université de Liège > Département des sciences historiques > Archéologie préhistorique
Rots, Veerle ; Université de Liège > Département des sciences historiques > Archéologie préhistorique
Language :
Title :
Stone tool hafting and use in the European Upper Palaeolithic: the first results of the analysis of Gravettian tools from Hohle Fels
Publication date :
28 May 2015
Event name :
AWRANA 2015: Connecting people and technologies
Event organizer :
Leiden University
Event place :
Leiden, Netherlands
Event date :
from 27-05-2015 to 30-05-2015
Audience :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
European Projects :
FP7 - 312283 - EVO-HAFT - Evolution of stone tool hafting in the Palaeolithic
Funders :
ERC - European Research Council CE - Commission Europ�enne