Aeroelastic Instability; Broadband Passive; Targeted Energy Transfers
Abstract :
[en] We study passive and nonlinear targeted energy transfers induced by resonant interactions between a singledegree-
of-freedom nonlinear energy sink (NES) and a 2-DOF in-flow rigid wing model. We show that it is feasible to
partially or even completely suppress aeroelastic instability by passively transferring vibration energy from the wing
to the NES in a one-way irreversible fashion. Moreover, this instability suppression is performed by partially or
completely eliminating its triggering mechanism. Numerical parametric studies identify three main mechanisms for
suppressing aeroelastic instability: recurring burstout and suppression, intermediate suppression, and complete
elimination.Weinvestigate these mechanisms both numerically by the Hilbert–Huang transform and analytically by
a complexification-averaging technique. Each suppression mechanism involves strong 1:1 resonance capture during
which the NES absorbs and dissipates a significant portion of energy fed from the flow to the wing. Failure of
suppression is associated with restoring the underlying triggering mechanism of instability, which is a series of
superharmonic resonance captures followed by escapes from resonance. Finally, using a numerical continuation
technique, we perform a bifurcation analysis to examine sensitive dependence on initial conditions and thus
robustness of instability suppression.
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