Polygraph; dependency; constituency; syntax; formalism; tree
Abstract :
[en] Syntactic analyses describe grouping operations that explain how words are combined to form utterances. The nature of these operations depends on the approach. In a constituency-based approach, grouping operations are ordered, or stratified, part-whole relations. In a dependency-based approach, grouping operations identify a governor (or head), i.e. they are directed hierarchical relations between words. It is possible to convert a constituency tree into a dependency tree by dereifying the nodes, by identifying the governor and by removing the stratification of the part-whole relations. Polygraphs combine the two types of information into a single structure and are therefore a more powerful formalism. By relaxing constraints, polygraphs also allow to underspecify both kinds of information.
Disciplines :
Mathematics Languages & linguistics
Author, co-author :
Kahane, Sylvain
Mazziotta, Nicolas ; Université de Liège > Département de langues et littératures romanes > Département de langues et littératures romanes
Language :
Title :
Syntactic polygraphs - A formalism extending both constituency and dependency
Publication date :
Event name :
14th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL 2015)
Event place :
Chicago, United States
Event date :
from 25-07-2015 to 26-07-2015
Audience :
Main work title :
Proceedings of the 14th Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL 2015)
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