[en] We analyse the large sample of polarization measurements of the flat-spectrum radio sources of the JVAS/CLASS 8.4-GHz surveys compiled by Jackson et al. (2007). We tested the uniformity of the polarization position angles for a wide range of angular (2D) and comoving (3D) separations and studied the several subsamples, dividing the main sample of 4155 sources regarding their object type (QSO, galaxies, radio sources,...). We found regions of the sky of about 20 degree radius in which quasars (only) have correlated polarization position angles. Those regions coincide with the regions of alignment at optical wavelength pinpointed in 1998 by Hutsemékers.
Research Center/Unit :
Disciplines :
Space science, astronomy & astrophysics
Author, co-author :
Pelgrims, Vincent ; Université de Liège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Inter. fondamentales en physique et astrophysique (IFPA)
Hutsemekers, Damien ; Université de Liège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Astroph. extragalactique et observations spatiales (AEOS)
Language :
Title :
Large-scale polarization alignments of quasars in the JVAS/CLASS 8.4-GHz surveys
Alternative titles :
[fr] Alignements à grandes échelles des polarisations des quasars dans le catalogue JVAS/CLASS 8.4-GHz
Publication date :
May 2015
Number of pages :
Event name :
The 2nd COST WorkShop of Polarization and Active Galactic Nuclei