Abstract :
[en] Abnormally invasive placenta (AIP) is a rare condition with an increasing incidence. Severe cases, such as placenta percreta, can cause massive peripartal bleeding linked to an elevated maternal morbidity and even mortality. Prenatal AIP screening using ultra- sound allows referral to a specialized centre in suspected cases in order to optimize the chances for mother and child. Caesarean hys- terectomy or placenta in situ methods are the currently known and recommended management options. This article describes the techniques of elective resection of the placental bed including AIP which allow conserving the uterus and preserving fertility. Furthermore, it seems that morbidity of this technique is lower when compared to the standard treatment options. Whether this is due to a selection of less severe AIP cases for resection or really represents a lower complication rate in cases of resection has to be demonstrated by further prospective studies.
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