Evolution des donnees maternelles et perinatales recueillies en routine entre 1980 et 1998 a la maternite de reference de Rutshuru en Republique democratique du Congo. II. Deces du nouveau-ne et naissances de faible poids.
Adolescent; Adult; Data Collection; Democratic Republic of the Congo/epidemiology; Female; Humans; Incidence; Infant Mortality/trends; Infant, Low Birth Weight; Infant, Newborn; Pregnancy; Risk Factors
Abstract :
[en] This second paper aims at deriving useful information allowing to improve the strategy applied for maternal health care. MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY: Between 1980 and 1998, data on 13,042 deliveries were collected. Characteristics, mortality, morbidity of mothers and new-born and obstetrical interventions were recorded. The present work describes the evolution of low birth weight (LBW), new-born deaths, and associated risk factors. The statistical analyses applied included khi2, t-test, and multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: Eighteen percent of new-born weights below 2.5 kg and 7.9% died. The proportion of low birth weights remains globally constant. Low proportions of new-born deaths were observed in 1981, 1982, 1988 and 1998. At admission, 35% of the women presented at least one of the four risks defined by the factors used for reference; this proportion went up from 26.1 to 39.2%. The four reference factors were associated with low birth weight. Baudelocque diameter and age were not associated with new-born death. Education and BMI were associated with an increased risk of new-born death. Marital status was not associated with any of the two outcomes. CONCLUSION: This analysis shows small variation of LBWs and perinatal deaths. It confirms the association between these two outcomes and most of the risk factors studied. The efficacy of the strategies implemented for improving perinatal health is questioned. The authors recommend that they be reassessed.
Disciplines :
General & internal medicine
Author, co-author :
Mugisho, Etienne
Dramaix, Michele
Porignon, Denis ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences de la santé publique > Santé publique : aspects spécifiques
Musubao, Ernest
Hennart, Philippe
Language :
Title :
Evolution des donnees maternelles et perinatales recueillies en routine entre 1980 et 1998 a la maternite de reference de Rutshuru en Republique democratique du Congo. II. Deces du nouveau-ne et naissances de faible poids.
Alternative titles :
[en] Analysis of data routinely collected in the maternity ward of Rutshuru in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between 1980 and 1998. II. New-born deaths and low birth weights
Publication date :
Journal title :
Santé: Cahiers d'Études et de Recherches Francophones
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