Eligibility Determination; Financing, Personal; Health Care Reform; Health Policy; Health Services/utilization; Humans; National Health Programs/economics; Politics; Rwanda
Abstract :
[en] In Rwanda, the Ministry of Health is rebuilding the health sector destroyed during the genocide while trying to guarantee the financial accessibility of the population to the services through the setting up of a prepayment scheme. Membership remains low in the three pilot districts where the prepayment scheme was introduced four years before (15,6%). In two of these districts, the curative consultation and maternity utilisation has increased appreciably. The members of the prepayment scheme make greater use of the services than the rest of the population. There is a significantly higher prepayment scheme membership among households with a relatively high income and those with a large family (more than 5 family members). Overall, non-members of the prepayment scheme spend more on health services than members do. There are indications that developing the prepayment scheme would be very useful for the people in Rwanda if specific strategies geared to the poor were set up.
Disciplines :
General & internal medicine
Author, co-author :
Musango, Laurent
Martiny, Patrick
Porignon, Denis ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences de la santé publique > Santé publique : aspects spécifiques
Dujardin, Bruno
Language :
Title :
Le systeme de prepaiement au Rwanda (II): adhesion et utilisation des services par les beneficiaires.
Alternative titles :
[en] The prepayment scheme in Rwanda (II): membership and use of services by beneficiaries
Publication date :
Journal title :
Santé: Cahiers d'Études et de Recherches Francophones
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