Article (Scientific journals)
Small-scale diversity of plant communities and distribution of species niches on a copper rock outcrop in Upper Katanga, D.R.Congo
Ilunga wa Ilunga, Edouard; Seleck, Maxime; Colinet, Gilles et al.
2013In Plant Ecology and Evolution, 146 (2), p. 173-182
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
Conservation; copper; Ecological niche; Heavy metals; Mining activities; Plant community
Abstract :
[en] Background and aims – In Katanga (D. R. Congo), outcrops of bedrocks naturally enriched in Cu and Co ("copper hills"), host unique plant communities. The spatial variation of vegetation has long been attributed almost exclusively to variation in Cu concentration in the soil, but this assumption has not been experimentally tested. We analysed the variation in plant communities and the niches of selected species in relation to edaphic factors within a copper hill. Methods – Forty-eight 1 m2 plots were sampled for plant community and soil mineral element composition, and classified with Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean (UPGMA) using the Bray-Curtis distance. Plant-edaphic relationships were examined using a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Species niches were modelled with Generalized Additive Model (GAM). Mean edaphic factors between the soil of plant communities were compared with one-way Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric ANOVA. Key results – The diversity of communities at the site scale was higher than observed in previous studies at a larger scale. Cu was the most discriminating edaphic factor of plant communities. However, detailed comparisons of mean edaphic factors among communities revealed individual combinations of edaphic parameters for each community, as well as differences in soil Cu content. High covariation appears to be an essential trait of the edaphic factor variation of Katangan Cu-rich soils. This makes it difficult to examine separately the effect of these factors on plant community structures. A bimodal pattern of niche distribution was found for Cu and pH. For physical parameters, niche optima were normally distributed. Conclusions – Global variation in edaphic factors associated with variation in combinations of edaphic parameters generates a highly heterogeneous environment favourable to a high diversity of plant communities over limited areas. Conservation strategies or restoration actions to limit the impact of mining activities on Cu-enriched ecosystems should pay special attention to recreate heterogeneity, taking into account the covariation of edaphic factors.
Disciplines :
Environmental sciences & ecology
Author, co-author :
Ilunga wa Ilunga, Edouard
Seleck, Maxime  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Forêts, Nature et Paysage > Biodiversité et Paysage
Colinet, Gilles  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Sciences et technologie de l'environnement > Systèmes Sol-Eau
Faucon, Michel-Pierre
Meerts, Pierre
Mahy, Grégory ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Forêts, Nature et Paysage > Biodiversité et Paysage
Language :
Title :
Small-scale diversity of plant communities and distribution of species niches on a copper rock outcrop in Upper Katanga, D.R.Congo
Publication date :
Journal title :
Plant Ecology and Evolution
Publisher :
Royal Botanical Society of Belgium, Bruxelles, Belgium
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
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since 19 January 2015


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