[en] A bird named Karšiptar, attested only once in the Avesta at V 2.42, was charged with the propagation of the religion in the vara. The Avestan term karšiptar, literally « black-winged », was identified as a crow by Gershevitch, who based his hypothesis on a mythological parallel in Armenian. It is not the only attestation of a crow fulfilling the role of messenger in Indo-Europeans legends.
Cognate is the Middle-Persian name karšift. In the texts, he represents the leader of the birds and is described by two terms: cakrawāk and carg. Here can also be considered cixrāz, the name of the leader of the birds according to MX 60.9. These three terms may be etymologically related: cakrawāk < *cakra-vāka- “the one who says cakra”, with an historical spelling ; cixrāz, which shows a different suffix but is semantically identical < *cakra-vāca- ; and carg, which would be a form without a suffix and displaying a metathesis. Unfortunately, this does not permit a conclusive identification of the bird.
No argument allows us to make a decisive choice, but the hypothesis of the crow combines the etymological signification with the role of messenger between the two worlds that is attributed to him.
Disciplines :
Languages & linguistics
Author, co-author :
Redard, Céline ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences de l'antiquité > Langues er religions du monde indo-iranien ancien
Language :
Title :
L'oiseau Karšiptar (V2.42)
Publication date :
Journal title :
Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne
Publisher :
Collège de France, Institut de Civilisation Indienne, Paris, France