[en] Teaching conservation-restoration in an art school can be considered a blessing as well as a challenge: What is the position of a conservator-restorator in this environment? What are the relationships between art conservation and creation, creation and technique? What legitimises research in conservation-restoration, scientific or applied, in this context? This paper, based on our teaching experiences in France and in Belgium reveals a field of expertise and the necessity of understanding the processes of art creation holistically.
Disciplines :
Art & art history
Author, co-author :
Verbeeck, Muriel ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Centre européen en archéométrie
Breuil, Marie-Hélène; TALM - ESBA Tours > Conservation-Restauration des sculptures
Language :
Title :
Teaching conservation-restoration in an art school: sharing expériences
Alternative titles :
[fr] Enseigner la conservation-restauration en école d'art: partage d'expériences