Article (Scientific journals)
Framing and Political Discourse Analysis: Bush's Trip to Europe in 2005
Azpíroz Manero, María Luisa
2014In Observatorio (OBS*), 8 (3), p. 075-96
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
Framing; Political Discourse; War on Terror
Abstract :
[en] Framing empirical research analyzes the construction (frame building) and influence (frame effects) of the frames with which different social agents interpret and communicate reality. Based on Entman’s (2004; 2008) and Kuypers’ (2008; 2009) contributions, this paper proposes and applies a qualitative methodology for the analysis of frame building in political discourse. It is located, therefore, on the strategic and methodological lines of framing research in political communication (Bartolomé; Rodríguez & Sádaba, 2012). As Kinder and Sanders state, frames are “invented and employed by political elites, often with an eye on advancing their own interests or ideologies, and intended to make favorable interpretations prevail” (Kinder & Sanders, 1990, p. 74). The paper includes a theoretical framework that reviews the evolution of framing literature in Communication, focusing especially on empirical studies. The contributions adopted for the elaboration of the methodology and the application process are explained in detail. The context of the case study, Bush’s discourse about the War on Terror on his trip to Europe in February 2005, is revised. Finally, the results obtained and the conclusions are detailed.
Disciplines :
Political science, public administration & international relations
Communication & mass media
Author, co-author :
Azpíroz Manero, María Luisa ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de science politique > Relations internationales
Language :
Title :
Framing and Political Discourse Analysis: Bush's Trip to Europe in 2005
Publication date :
September 2014
Journal title :
Observatorio (OBS*)
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Available on ORBi :
since 08 September 2014


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