Bottauscio, O., Chiampi, M., Manzin, A., Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Magnetic Materials
Mac, D.H., Clénet, S., Beddek, K., Chevallier, L., Korecki, J., Moreau, O., Thomas, P., Influence of Uncertainties on the B(H) Curves on the Flux Linkage of A Turboalternator
Ferrouillat, P., Guérin, C., Meunier, G., Ramdane, B., Carpentier, A., Direct Computation of Current Density to Solve 3D Electric Conduction Problems Using Facet Elements with FEM
Carpentier, A., Galopin, N., Chadebec, O., Meunier, G., Application of the Virtual Work Principle to Compute Magnetic Forces with A Volume Integral Formulation
Steentjes, S., Henrotte, F., Geuzaine, C., Hameyer, K., A Dynamical Energy-based Hysteresis Model for Iron Loss Calculation in Laminated Cores
Bossavit, A., On Modelling Electrets and Piezoelectric Actuators
Van De Wiele, B., Vansteenkiste, A., Van Waeyenberge, B., Dupre, L., De Zutter, D., A 2.5D Micromagnetic Modeling Approach for Magnetic Domain and Domain Wall Studies
Moro, F., Alotto, P., Guarnieri, M., Stella, A., Domain Decomposition with the Mortar Cell Method
De Gersem, H., Masschaele, B., Roggen, T., Janssens, E., Nguyen, T.T., Improved Field Post-Processing for A Stern-Gerlach Magnetic Deflection Magnet
Henneron, T., Clénet, S., Model Order Reduction Applied to the Numerical Study of Electrical Motor Based on POD Method Taking into Account Rotation Movement
Van De Wiele, B., Vansteenkiste, A., Van Waeyenberge, B., Dupre, L., De Zutter, D., Fast Fourier Transforms for the Evaluation of Convolution Products: CPU Versus GPU Implementation
Vanoost, D., De Gersem, H., Peuteman, J., Gielen, G., Pissoort, D., Finite-element Discretisation of the Eddy-current Term in A 2D Solver for Radially Symmetric Models
Wang, Z., Henneron, T., Dular, P., Mipo, J.-C., Piriou, F., Comparison of Implementation Techniques for Galerkin Projection between Different Meshes
Cuyckens, T., Rogier, H., De Zutter, D., Numerical Assessment of the Combination of Subgridding and the Perfectly Matched Layer Grid Termination in the Finite Difference Time Domain Method
Sergeant, P., Hofman, I., Van Den Bossche, A., Magnetic Stray Field Based Position Detection in BLDC Outer Rotor Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
Martinez, J., Belahcen, A., Girardello, D., Arkkio, A., A 2D FEM Analysis of Electromechanical Signatures in Induction Motors under Dynamic Eccentricity
Ghalamestani, S.G., Vandevelde, L., Dirckx, J., Melkebeek, J., Magnetostriction Strain Measurement and Its Application for the Numerical Deformation Calculation of A Transformer
Le, M., Kim, J., Vu, H., Shin, K., Lee, J., Fast Simulation of Alternating Magnetic Fields Around A Crack in A Pipeline System Using A Dipole Model Method
Bavastro, D., Canova, A., Giaccone, L., Manca, M., Integral and Analytical Models for Evaluating the Distance of Compliance
Caire, F., Prémel, D., Granet, G., Semi-Analytical Computation of A Quasi-static Field Induced by A 3D Eddy-current Probe Scanning A 2D Layered Conductor with Parallel Rough Interfaces
Durochat, C., Lanteri, S., Léger, R., A Non-conforming Multi-element DGTD Method for the Simulation of Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Waves
Boubekeur, M., Kameni, A., Pichon, L., Modave, A., Geuzaine, C., Analysis of Transient Scattering Problems Using A Discontinuous Galerkin Method: Application to the Shielding Effectiveness of Enclosures with Heterogeneous Walls