clay mineralogy; central Asia; Lake Baikal; Quaternary; paleoclimate; lacustrine sedimentation
Abstract :
[en] We investigated the mineralogical composition of two cores recovered on the Academician Ridge (Central Lake Baikal, Siberia). Sedimentological features show that the cores are unaffected by turbidity currents. However, hemipelagic deposition is not continuous, but intermittently disturbed by syn- or post-sediment reworking (e.g., bioturbation, slumps, faulting). Such modes of deposition are consistent with the complex uplift history of the ridge. Bulk mineralogy suggests that terrigenous sediment supplies are constant through glacial/interglacial stages, and diluted by diatom-rich intervals related to warmer interglacial stages. The core stratigraphy is based on the correlation of the diatom zonation and opal abundance with the marine oxygen isotope reference curve SPECMAP. The similar to 8-m cores partly recover the last four interglacial/glacial cycles, i.e., since oxygen isotope stage 8. We test the use of clay minerals as a proxy for paleoclimatic reconstruction. The clays are more weathered during the diatom-rich intervals in agreement with warmer climate conditions. However, the mean clay composition does not change significantly through glacial/interglacial stages. This observation implies that, in the Academician Ridge sediments, a simple smectite/illite ratio (S/I) does not alone provide a reliable indicator of climatic variation. It reflects the complex clay assemblages, especially the smectite group, delivered to Central Lake Baikal. Smectites include primarily illite-smectite mixed layers, made of a mixture of montmorillonite and beidellite. According to their behavior after cation saturation, the illite-smectite mixed layers are primarily transformed smectites, with some neoformed smectites intermittently observed. In addition, Al-smectites occur in minor proportions. We conclude that the S/I ratio has a climatic significance only if it evolves in parallel with the weathering stage of the clays and is confirmed by a change in the composition of the smectites. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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