[en] A new species of the phlyctaeniid arthrodire genus Groenlandaspis from the
upper Famennian of Belgium is described. The remains of Groenlandaspis potyi sp. nov.
consist of dissociated thoracic armor elements, but the specimen designed to be the holotype
displays the median dorsal, anterior and posterior dorsolateral plates in connection. Though
incomplete, the new species is characterized by an equilateral triangle-shaped median dorsal
plate, a protruding posterodorsal apron of the posterior dorsolateral plate behind the overlap
area for the median dorsal plate, and an overall lack of ornamentation. Groenlandaspis potyi
sp. nov. constitutes the second occurrence of a Groenlandaspis species in continental Europe
after the description of Groenlandaspis thorezi from upper Famennian quarries of Belgium.
Another probable new species of Groenlandaspis is also described, though of unknown
locality and horizon; it can however be deduced from the upper Famennian of Belgium
without more precision. Together with some unpublished material of groenlandaspidids from
the Famennian tetrapod-bearing locality of Strud, this material highlights the richness of the
Groenlandaspididae diversity in Belgium. The discovery of Groenlandaspis potyi sp. nov. in
Belgium reinforces the Famennian global distribution of this widespread genus during this
period. Also, since those organisms have possibly been considered as non-marine indicators,
this material is another argument pleading for close relationships between Euramerica and
Gondwana around the Frasnian-Famennian boundary.
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