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Implementing river restoration taking into account constraints of water supply protection: the case study of the Bocq River at Spontin
Peeters, Alexandre; De le Court, Bernard; Verniers, Gisèle
2013European River Restoration Conference - Celebrating Successes and Addressing Challenges - 5th edition


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Keywords :
River restoration; Step pool system; Water supply protection
Abstract :
[en] In the Bocq basin, eastern tributary of the Meuse, restoration works consist of making 20 obstacles passable to improve the free movement of fish and sediment. This presentation focuses on a particular case study involving river restoration in a groundwater abstraction zone. In the sixties, a reach of more than 600 meters of the Bocq was completely channelized in order to avoid any risk of contamination of the nearby important drinking water well field area. Ecological quality was consequently impoverished due to the loss of natural habitats (streambed and banks made of concrete and masonry). In addition, the hydraulic conditions (high flow, low depth) make it totally insurmountable for fish. The restoration project started with a 3-year period of consultation with the water abstraction owner to finally reach an agreement on a restoration project taking into account the need of protection of the water abstraction. The project consisted on building rock weirs at regular interval in order to create a succession of 23 steps and pools. Furthermore, various habitats schemes were implemented such as fish shelter, rock berms for aquatic vegetation, and spawning gravel introduction. In addition a small dike and an expansion area for flooding have been completed to protect the water abstraction. This project is being monitored on the basis of geomorphological and ecological analysis. Geomorphological monitoring focuses on the bedload transport with an analysis of flood and the clogging of the gravel layer. Ecological monitoring is based on two indicators (macroinvertebrates and fishes) as well as the analysis of microhabitats. The first results show an improvement after 1 year.
Disciplines :
Environmental sciences & ecology
Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
Peeters, Alexandre  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géographie > Hydrographie et géomorphologie fluviatile
De le Court, Bernard;  Service public de Wallonie > Département de la Ruralité et des Cours d'eau > Direction des Cours d’eau non navigables
Verniers, Gisèle;  Université de Namur > Unité de Recherche en Biologie Environnementale et Evolutive
Language :
Title :
Implementing river restoration taking into account constraints of water supply protection: the case study of the Bocq River at Spontin
Publication date :
September 2013
Event name :
European River Restoration Conference - Celebrating Successes and Addressing Challenges - 5th edition
Event organizer :
European Center for River Restoration
Event place :
Vienna, Austria
Event date :
11-13 September 2013
Audience :
Funders :
Available on ORBi :
since 21 May 2014


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