[en] Because we acknowledge both the importance of the geographical context on agritourism and
the richness of benchmarking, discussions aim to underline and to understand original agritourism practices in relation to their spatial context. According to Sznajder et al. (2009) attention has to be paid to the historical structure of economy, the state of farming, the demographic situation, the accessibility, the social attitudes, the capital resources. Therefore the structure of the farms, the available labour force and buildings, the capital resources as well as the surroundings (including landscape features, natural and cultural heritages) comprise the main characteristics. This special issue aims to explore both the local impacts of agritourism development and the positioning of agritourism on tourist market.
Research Center/Unit :
Laplec Lepur
Disciplines :
Human geography & demography
Editor :
Potocnick, Irma; University of Ljubljana > Geography
Schmitz, Serge ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géographie > Géographie rurale