[en] The objective of this research was to examine the effects of inbreeding in the population of Holstein cattle in the Walloon region of Belgium. The effects of inbreeding on the global economic index and its components were studied by using data from the genetic evaluations of February 2004 for production, somatic cell score (SCS), computed from somatic cell counts and type. Inbreeding coefficients for 956,516 animals were computed using a method that allows assigning an inbreeding coefficient to individuals without known parents. These coefficients were equal to the mean inbreeding coefficient of contemporary individuals with known parents. The significance of inbreeding effects on the different evaluated traits and on the different indexes were tested using a t-test comparing estimated standard errors and effects. The inbreeding effect was significantly different from zero for the vast majority of evaluated traits and for all of the indexes. Inbreeding had the greatest deleterious effects on production traits. Inbreeding decreased yield of milk, fat, and protein during a lactation by 19.68, 0.96, and 0.69 kg, respectively, per each 1% increase in inbreeding. The regression coefficient of SCS per 1% increase in inbreeding was +0.005 SCS units. The inbreeding depression was thus relatively low for SCS, but inbred animals had higher SCS than non-inbred animals, indicating that inbred animals would be slightly more sensitive to mastitis than non-inbred animals. Estimates of inbreeding effects on evaluated type traits per 1% increase were small. The most strongly affected type traits were chest width, rear leg, and overall development on a standardized scale. For several type traits, particularly traits linked to the udder, the estimates suggested a favorable effect of inbreeding. The global economic index was depressed by around 6.13 Euro of lifetime profit per 1% increase in inbreeding for the Holstein animals in the Walloon region of Belgium.
Disciplines :
Animal production & animal husbandry Genetics & genetic processes
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