[en] « This document was produced under the Agrometeorological component of the “EC/FAO Programme on Information Systems to Improve Food Security Decision-Making in ENP East Area” in Armenia. The objective of the Programme in Armenia is to support government’s priorities to reduce food insecurity and poverty by improving the quality and sharing of information across institutions, and promoting evidence-based analyses and assessments. This User Manual of Crop Yield Forecasting System used in Armenia may be used as a reference document for the future calculation of yield forecasts that HYDROMET will use in the coming years.
Research Center/Unit :
University of Liège, Belgium - Department of Environmental Sciences and Management - Water Environment Development Unit Hydromet Armenia
Disciplines :
Agriculture & agronomy
Author, co-author :
Tychon, Bernard ; Université de Liège - ULiège > DER Sc. et gest. de l'environnement (Arlon Campus Environ.) > Agrométéorologie (relation agriculture-environ. physique)
Denis, Antoine ; Université de Liège - ULiège > DER Sc. et gest. de l'environnement (Arlon Campus Environ.) > DER Sc. et gest. de l'environnement (Arlon Campus Environ.)
Djaby, Bakary ; Université de Liège - ULiège > DER Sc. et gest. de l'environnement (Arlon Campus Environ.) > Agrométéorologie (relation agriculture-environ. physique)
Bourlard, Emilie
Language :
Title :
The Agrometeorological crop yield forecasting System of Armenia - User Manual - December 2013
Publication date :
December 2013
Number of pages :
Institution :
ULiège - Université de Liège
Name of the research project :
Agrometeorological component of the “EC/FAO Programme on Information Systems to Improve Food Security Decision-Making in ENP East Area” in Armenia