[en] During the last decade, strarlings have built up considerable urban populations in the city of Liège,causing much trouble to inhabitants in the vicinity of the roosting sites. This success migh be attribuable to the sheltered situation of the city in a deep valley, abundance of large trees in green spaces along bank of the river Meuse and in public parks, good situation amid pastures in the countryside, and on important migration routes.
Before any attempt to reduce this underisable population, the city's authorithies have promoted a research on the localisation, evaluation, evolution of roosting groups, as well as on pre-roosting routes and diurnal dispersion, It is clear that fluctuations in the attendance at one peculiar roosting site is understandable only in beeing replaced in the context of breeding cycle, migration influx, weather conditions, food disponibilities, and man-made disturbance. Understanding starling's population success and evolution needs long-term and large-scale coordinated research at regional and continental level.