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L’évolution de la cartographie thématique sur micro-ordinateur
Donnay, Jean-Paul
2013In Wellar, Barry (Ed.) AutoCarto Six Retrospective


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Keywords :
Thematic mapping; Computer graphics; micro-computer
Abstract :
[en] In 1983, personal computers emerge, and the few mapping softwares are reserved to "big" computers. The communication made ​​at AutoCarto Six sustains the hypothesis that micro-computing environment can support thematic mapping. The last decades have clearly confirmed this hypothesis. But first, it's more the portable and open software structure which proved its originality rather than the reliance on a particular hardware - now obsolete - and secondly, the role of thematic mapping today resorts to another kind of software - such as GIS - devoted to the processing of geographic information.
Disciplines :
Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
Donnay, Jean-Paul ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géographie > Unité de Géomatique - Cartographie et S.I.G.
Language :
Title :
L’évolution de la cartographie thématique sur micro-ordinateur
Alternative titles :
[en] The evolution of thematic mapping on micro-computer
Publication date :
November 2013
Main work title :
AutoCarto Six Retrospective
Main work alternative title :
[fr] Rétrospective sur AutoCarto Six
Editor :
Wellar, Barry
Publisher :
Information research Board, Inc., Ottawa, Canada
Pages :
Available on ORBi :
since 20 November 2013


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177 (17 by ULiège)
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818 (12 by ULiège)


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