Master’s dissertation (Dissertations and theses)
Developing a common Key performance indicators framework for biodiversity management in gypsum quarries throughout Europe for Eurogypsum
Pitz, Carline


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Keywords :
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs); Framework; Gypsum quarries
Abstract :
[en] This study aims to establish a common Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) framework to report biodiversity for the Gypsum Industry at the European level. An original approach of participatory process has been developed in order to integrate the different opinions and to reach a consensus framework between different stakeholders’ groups: - Eurogypsum stakeholders - European and local authorities - Scientific panel : universities and consulting offices - European and local associations for the conservation of nature - Stakeholders from the mining sector The strategy is based on five main steps: (i) To Build a stakeholders’ network; (ii) To build a framework proposal to be submitted to stakeholders by selecting a maximum set of indicators based on the literature and reaching an agreement on indicators with Eurogypsum (Focus Group); (iii) Reaching a consensus framework with all the stakeholders and evaluating feasibility by a Delphi Policy survey, by the analysis of the EIAs of the Gypsum Industry and by visiting three European quarries; (iv) Final validation with Eurogypsum (meeting); (v) Creating indicators’ Factsheets and a Eurogyspum report to the destination of the public. The resulting framework contains eleven indicators which are the most acceptable set of indicators for all the stakeholders. It answers to European legislation and strategies for biodiversity. It is intended to improve sustainability in the quarries and to help managing biodiversity, to allow setting up of appropriate reporting systems. The aim is to maintain the biodiversity status of the gypsum quarries. It is a flexible framework adaptable given the local context of each gypsum quarry in order to prove if a No Net Loss has been reached at a quarry’s scale.
Research Center/Unit :
Biodiversity and Landscape Unit
Disciplines :
Environmental sciences & ecology
Author, co-author :
Pitz, Carline ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > 2e an. master bioingé.: gest. forêts & esp. nat., fin. spéc.
Language :
Title :
Developing a common Key performance indicators framework for biodiversity management in gypsum quarries throughout Europe for Eurogypsum
Alternative titles :
[en] Développement d’un cadre d’indicateurs clés de performance pour la gestion de la biodiversité dans les carrières de gypse à l’échelle européenne pour Eurogypsum.
Defense date :
August 2013
Number of pages :
Institution :
ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
Degree :
Master Bioingenieur en Gestion des Forets et des Espaces Naturels
Promotor :
Mahy, Grégory ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département GxABT > Biodiversité et Paysage
Marlet, Christine
Name of the research project :
Developing a common Key performance indicators framework for biodiversity management in gypsum quarries throughout Europe for Eurogypsum
Funders :
Available on ORBi :
since 23 October 2013


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262 (27 by ULiège)
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2012 (22 by ULiège)


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