Estimation of the error on the mean velocity and on the Reynolds stress due to a misoriented ADV probe in the horizontal plane: case of experiments in a compound open-channel
Peltier, Yann ; Irstea > UR HHLY, Hydrology-Hydraulics Research Unit
Rivière, Nicolas; Université de Lyon, Insa de Lyon
Proust, Sébastien; Irstea > UR HHLY, Hydrology-Hydraulics Research Unit
Mignot, Emmanuel; Université de Lyon, Insa de Lyon
Paquier, André; Irstea > UR HHLY, Hydrology-Hydraulics Research Unit
Shiono, Koji; Loughborough University > Civil and Building Engineering
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Estimation of the error on the mean velocity and on the Reynolds stress due to a misoriented ADV probe in the horizontal plane: case of experiments in a compound open-channel
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