Article (Scientific journals)
NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES, NOUVELLES PRATIQUES D’ECRITURE ? Le point de vue d’étudiants universitaires en FLE(S)
Dezutter, Olivier; Bleys, Françoise; Poirier, Vicky et al.
2012In Langage et l'Homme: Recherches Pluridisciplinaires sur le Langage, 47 (1)
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
nouvelles technologies; FLE à l'université; étudiants
Abstract :
[en] The digital revolution and the development of new technologies of communication are dramatically changing language learning practices but also writing practices, whether in one’s mother tongue, in a second language or in a foreign language. In the framework of international research based on the development of writing ability among students of a second language or a foreign language in the university context, we have sought to better understand the way in which the relationship to writing (Barré de Miniac, 1997; Blaser and Chartrand, 2010) is constructed by these students in this new era. This article is intended to share the results of a survey conducted among some 200 students of French as a second language or a foreign language in four contrasting geographical and linguistic contexts. After a description of the ways in which students claim to use these new technologies at the university, we will analyze their use of ICTS when writing longer texts in an academic setting. Next, we will look into the functions served by the Internet at every step of the writing process, i.e. the different stages of planning, drafting and revising (Hayes et Flower, 1980). Finally, we will consider the kinds of tools used for the drafting of these various pieces of writing.
Disciplines :
Languages & linguistics
Author, co-author :
Dezutter, Olivier;  Université de Sherbrooke
Bleys, Françoise;  Université de Sherbrooke
Poirier, Vicky;  Université de Sherbrooke
Eid, Rodine;  Université de Sherbrooke
Eid, Cynthia;  université Antonine de Beyrouth
Thonard, Audrey ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > ISLV : Alter
Silva, Haydée;  Université Nationale Autonome du Mexique, Mexique
Cansigno, Yvonne;  Université Autonome Métropolitaine, Unité Azcaptozalco, Mexique
Language :
Title :
NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES, NOUVELLES PRATIQUES D’ECRITURE ? Le point de vue d’étudiants universitaires en FLE(S)
Publication date :
June 2012
Journal title :
Langage et l'Homme: Recherches Pluridisciplinaires sur le Langage
Publisher :
Institut libre Marie Haps Centre de Documentation et d'Etude des Problèmes de Langage, Bruxelles, Belgium
Special issue title :
Quelle place pour les nouvelles technologies en classe de FLE ? L'heure des bilans
Volume :
Issue :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Funders :
AUF - Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
Available on ORBi :
since 03 September 2013


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