External report (Reports)
Combining Ionosonde and GPS TEC Data to Assess NeQuick Formulation
Bidaine, Benoît


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Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) undertaken at Trieste (ICTP) from December 10th to 21st, 2007 in the framework of the COST 296 action - Mission scientifique de courte durée (STSM) réalisée à Trieste (Abdus Salam Interational Centre for Theoretical Physics) du 10 au 21 décembre 2007 dans le cadre de l’action COST 296

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Keywords :
ionosphere; model; NeQuick; ionosonde; Dourbes; TEC; mitigation; positioning; GNSS; Galileo; single frequency; Géodésie et GNSS
Abstract :
[en] The main topic which was investigated during the mission is related to the validation of the NeQuick model using different data sets. The discussions were based on former work dealing with the comparison of the first version of the model recommended by the ITU-R and its second version recently published. In addition the NeQuick formulation and its physical behaviour were discussed considering the bottomside and topside representations and the interaction between both. This will constitute the basis for future investigation of ingestion techniques using NeQuick as well as the ionospheric correction algorithm for Galileo single frequency users.
Disciplines :
Earth sciences & physical geography
Electrical & electronics engineering
Author, co-author :
Bidaine, Benoît ;  Université de Liège - ULiège / FNRS > Département de géographie - Department of Geography > Unité de Géomatique - Geomatics Unit
Language :
Title :
Combining Ionosonde and GPS TEC Data to Assess NeQuick Formulation
Publication date :
January 2008
Publisher :
Action COST 296
Number of pages :
Commissioned by :
Action COST 296
Available on ORBi :
since 28 November 2008


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