[en] Elucidating predator–prey relationships is an important part of understanding and assessing the structure and function of ecosystems. Sharks are believed to play a significant role in marine
ecosystems, although their specific trophic ecology is largely unexplored. Stable isotopes of
nitrogen ( 15N) and carbon ( 1318 C) are a widely applied tool in food web studies but there is a need to quantify stable isotope dynamics in animals, particularly sharks. In this study, diet-tissue
discrimination factors (DTDF = stable isotope in consumer tissue – stable isotope in diet) and
turnover rates (time for the isotope to be assimilated into the consumer’s tissue) of stable
isotopes were estimated in blood, fin, and muscle tissue for the shark species Scyliorhinus
stellaris fed two diets with different isotope values. Subsequently, these diet- and tissue-specific
DTDFs were used in isotopic mixing models to quantify the diet of Scyliorhinus canicula caught
in the North Sea and compared with stomach content data. DTDFs for 15N ( 15N) and 13C
( 13C) ranged from –1.95‰ to 3.49‰ and from 0.52‰ to 5.14‰, respectively, and varied with
tissue and diet type. Isotope turnover rates in plasma and red blood cells, expressed as half-lives,
range from 39 to 135 days. A majority of the variability of DTDFs reported in this and other
studies with sharks can be explained by linear relationships between DTDF and dietary isotopic
values. From these relationships, we propose a method for isotope mixing models that uses diet specific DTDFs, which improves diet reconstruction estimates of animals, particularly mesopredator sharks that consume a large range of prey types.
Research Center/Unit :
MARE - Centre Interfacultaire de Recherches en Océanologie - ULiège Laboratoire d'Océanologie
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