[en] Objective: this study examined the generic and CF-specific QOL in CF children using a tool based on a modular clinical approach.
Methods: Sample consisted of 12 CF children and 12 healthy children aged 8 to 12 years, matched by age and sex. The Quality of Life Systemic Inventory for Children (QLSI-C) assess both generic (20 items) and CF-specific (6 items) QOL. CF-specific module is empirically created from CFQ-R and discussion with medical staff. QLSI-C is a dynamic tool, using a VAS, which considers QOL (gap) like the difference between the present situation (state) and the expectations (goal). This difference is weighted by the importance (rank) that children assign for each life domains. QLSI-C is different from PedQoL, which consider QOL like an assessment of state score only.
Results: Difference between CF and healthy children for the QOL score approached significance (F=3.63; p=0.07). Results by items show a significant difference for “autonomy” (F=4.30; p=0.05) and “frustration tolerance” (F=4.60; p=0.04) between the two groups. In addition, global scores in CF-specific module is correlated with global score in generic module for CF children (r=0.66 to 0.96). Assessment of QOL is the same for both generic (M=3.76) and CF-specific (M=3.76) module (p=0.53). Finally, descriptive statistics demonstrate that items which reflect the best QOL in CF children were based on social support unlike healthy children.
Conclusion: QLSI-C is a clinical tool which distinguishes between children with CF and healthy children. Originality of this tool is strengthened by the consideration of individual life plan taking into account the particular situation of children with CF.
Disciplines :
Theoretical & cognitive psychology
Author, co-author :
Toucheque, Malorie ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Psychologies et cliniques des systèmes humains > Psychologie de la santé
Etienne, Anne-Marie ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Psychologies et cliniques des systèmes humains > Psychologie de la santé
Language :
Title :
Preliminary results of the Quality of Life Systemic Inventory for children in Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis: A tool for clinical interventions?