Article (Scientific journals)
Biostratigraphic significance of brachiopods near the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary
Mottequin, Bernard; Brice, Denise; Legrand-Blain, Marie
2014In Geological Magazine, 151, p. 216-228
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi


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Keywords :
Productida; Rhynchonellida; Spiriferida; Spiriferinida; Famennian; Tournaisian; Hangenberg Crisis
Abstract :
[en] The biostratigraphic significance of selected uppermost Famennian (Upper Devonian) and lower Tournaisian (Mississippian) brachiopod genera, belonging to the orders Rhynchonellida (e.g. Araratella), Spiriferida (e.g. Sphenospira, Prospira), Spiriferinida (Syringothyris) and Productida (except Chonetidina), is discussed. Owing to the difficulties of identifying productidine and strophalosiidine genera, in contrast to rhynchonellides and spiriferides, the biostratigraphic potential of the former has generally been overlooked. Brachiopods flourished in neritic environments that were unfavourable for conodonts and ammonoids. In the absence of the latter traditional marker fossils, they are potentially important for locating the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary in shallow water depositional settings in conjunction with rugose corals and foraminifers. On a worldwide scale, further work is required to reach a better assessment of the aftermath of the Hangenberg biological Crisis on brachiopods, notably in revising the faunas from the classical areas of the Famennian and Tournaisian stages in Western Europe.
Disciplines :
Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
Mottequin, Bernard ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géologie > Paléontologie animale et humaine
Brice, Denise
Legrand-Blain, Marie
Language :
Title :
Biostratigraphic significance of brachiopods near the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary
Publication date :
Journal title :
Geological Magazine
Publisher :
Cambridge University Press, New York, United States - New York
Volume :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
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since 05 June 2013


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