private international law; IP; intellectual property; Brussels I Regulation; Rome I Regulation; lex loci protectionis; torpedo; GAT v Luk; exclusive jurisdiction; territoriality; applicable law; Falco Privatstifung; licence agreement; Bern Convention; copyright; patent; trademark
Abstract :
[en] This presentation serves as basis for a 6-hours seminar on private international aspects of intellectual property. The focus of the seminar is on the application of rules of European private international law to intellectual property litigation. The seminar is part of an LL.M. on European competitition law and intellectual property rights (
Disciplines :
Economic & commercial law Judicial law European & international law
Author, co-author :
Wautelet, Patrick ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de droit > Droit international privé
Language :
Title :
Cross-border aspects of intellectual property rights
Alternative titles :
[en] Aspects de droit international privé du droit de la propriété intellectuelle
Publication date :
April 2013
Course title or code :
Cross-border aspects of intellectual property rights