Eutetramorium mocquerysi; ant without queen; behaviors
Abstract :
[en] The laboratory breeding study of Eutetramorium mocquerysi was conducted in an
artificial fourmiliere: formicarium. The colonies were nourished with portions of insects
(larvae of coleoptera, locusts, cockroaches. ..).All social insects have several morphoanatomic
castes (worker dominating, workers of high ranks: being able to become
dominating, workers of low ranks: veritable worker,and the ant male). As with all social
insects, the life of the colony is regulated by the queen. However, in the species studied
no veritable queen exists. This function is fulfilled by a dominating worker, whose
dominance is assured partly by constant fights with the young workers and partly by
maximum ovarial development. Dominant worker and workers of the high ranks have six
(6) ovarioles, while the veritable workers possess just two (2) ovarioles. The presence of
a dominant worker in the nest allows the regulation of the laborious life of the colony, the
maintenance of inferior workers ranks and the control of male abundance in the colony.