Musical expertise; transfer effects; artificial language learning; songs
Abstract :
[en] Music learning and training appear to have large cross-domain transfer effects: they are
beneficial in various cognitive domains including language. The present study aimed at
examining the role of music expertise on how musical and linguistic information contained
in songs is used. However, as the superiority of musicians could be attributed to
improvements in executive functions (e.g., Bialystok, & DePape, 2009), we tried to isolate
the role of music training by comparing music experts to both non-experts and language
experts. To this aim we used the tasks proposed by Schön, Boyer, Moreno, Besson, Peretz,
and Kolinsky (2008), who compared artificial language learning (ALL) based on spoken
sequences to ALL based on sung sequences. These authors concluded that songs, more than
speech, allow fast and strong learning.
In contrast to Schön et al. (2008), the benefit of songs on ALL was not found among nonexperts
in our study. However, there was a highly significant interaction between type of
expertise and materials. The music experts were the only group to benefit from the
matching of linguistic and music information, hence showing a different profile than
language experts. The present data thus confirms the specificity of transfer effects linked to
music expertise.
Disciplines :
Theoretical & cognitive psychology
Author, co-author :
Larrouy-Maestri, Pauline ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Psychologie : cognition et comportement > Logopédie des troubles de la voix
Leybaert, Jacqueline; Université Libre de Bruxelles - ULB > Centre de Recherche Cognition & Neurosciences > Laboratoire Cognition, Language et Développement
Kolinsky, Régine; Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS, Université Libre de Bruxelles - ULB > Centre de Recherche Cognition & Neurosciences > Unité de Recherches en Neurosciences Cognitives
Language :
Title :
The benefit of musical and linguistic expertise on language acquisition in sung material
Publication date :
Journal title :
Musicae Scientiae
Publisher :
European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, Belgium
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