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[en] The recently developed hybrid discontinuous Galerkin/extrinsic cohesive law framework is extended to the study of intra{laminar fracture of composite materials. Toward this end, micro-volumes of di erent sizes are studied.
The method captures the debonding process, which is herein proposed to be assimilated to a damaging process, before the strain softening onset, and the density of dissipated energy resulting from the damage (debonding) remains the same for the di erent studied cell sizes. Finally, during the strain softening phase a micro{crack initiates and propagates in agreement with experimental observations. We thus extract a resulting mesoscale cohesive law, which is independent on the cell sizes, using literature methods.
FP7 - 235303 - MATERA+ - ERA-NET Plus on Materials Research
Name of the research project :
Funders :
CE - Commission Européenne
Funding text :
The authors acknowledge funding through SIMUCOMP, an ERA-NET +, MATERA+ project nanced by Consejer a de Educaci on y Empleo of Comunidad de Madrid, the Walloon region (agreement no 1017232, CT-EUC 2010-10-12), the Luxembourg region and by the European Union s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). Computational resources have been provided by the supercomputing facilities of the Consortium des Equipements de Calcul Intensif en F ed eration Wallonie Bruxelles (C ECI) funded by the Fond de la Recherche Scienti que de Belgique (FRS-FNRS).
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