Keywords :
Sahel, Agrometeorology, Biomass, climate,early warning systems
Abstract :
[en] Agrometeorological monitoring in the Sahelian countries consists of collecting, processing,
and analyzing various data and information that can affect the outcome of the agricultural
season. It combines observational data from national meteorological, hydrological,
agricultural extension, plant protection, and livestock breeding offices, as well as satellite
data provided by the AGRHYMET Center. From May until the end of October,
multidisciplinary working groups (MWGs) in each country publish dekadal and monthly
bulletins. At the regional level in the AGRHYMET Center, data and information coming
from the national components are combined with satellite data to elaborate regional syntheses
that are published at different time steps. In these publications, the current situation is
analyzed and compared with that of the previous period, the previous year, and the average.
Forecasts of seasonal rainfall and crop yields, that are refined from month to month, are also
given. Color maps illustrates the amounts of rainfall, sowing dates, crop water requirements,
satisfaction indices, yield estimates, zones with particular pests, and the advance of the
vegetation front. Hard copies and electronic versions of these publications are mailed to
subscribers. They are also posted on the Center’s website: