[en] There are merely three published sources of information on the green lacewings in Belgium. The first two were written by a Belgian and a Catalan author at the beginning of the 20th century and the third was published in 1980. Interestingly, the most recent study reported the fewest species (11), the most previous contained 12 and the second one showed 17 species, This confused situation and the paucity of data initiated the authors to identify the green lacewing collection of the Gembloux University of Agricultural Sciences, where lacewings from different parts of Belgium were preserved, and also to collect chrysopids regularly, Summarising the species reported in the literature and caught during sampling, 18 green lacewing species have been verified in Belgium: Nothochrysa fulviceps, Nothochrysa capitata, Hypochrysa elegans, Nineta flava, Nineta vittata, Nineta pallida, Chrysotropia ciliata, Chrysopa perla, Chrysopa dorsalis, Chrysopa abbreviata, Chrysopa formosa, Chrysopa phlyllochroma, Chrysopa pallens, Dichochrysa flavifrons, Dichochrysa prasina, Dichochrysa ventralis, Chrysoperla carnea, Cunctochrysa albolineata. Considering the known references, one species, Nineta pallida proved to be new for the Belgian fauna.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Bozsik, Andras; University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary > Department of Plant Protection
Mignon, Jacques ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
Gaspar, Charles; Faculté Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux - FUSAGx > Zoologie générale et appliquée
Language :
Title :
The green lacewings in Belgium (Neuroptera : Chrysopidae)
Publication date :
Audience :
Journal title :
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Publisher :
Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary
Aspöck, H., Aspöck, U. & Hölzel, H. (1980) Die Neuropteren Europas. Vol. I, 495 pp., Vol. II. 355 pp., Goecke & Evers, Krefeld.
Bozsik, A. (2000) Data on the dispersion of different taxa of the Chrysoperla carnea complex in some parts of Europe (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). 8th International Symposium on Neuropterology, 06-09 August, Budapest, Hungary, Abstracts, pp. 12-13.
Lameere, A. (1900) Manuel de la Faune de Belgique. Tome II - Insect inférieur. Ed. Lamertin, Bruxelles, 854 pp.
Navás, L. (1913) Synopsis des Néuroptres de Belgique. Ed. Lambert-de Roisin, Namur, 97 pp.